Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Hours pass by, and I've resigned myself to the fact that Alexander might not be back tonight. I'm just about to get ready for bed when I hear the door open and close. At first, I assume it's one of the servants, but when I turn around, I see that it's Alexander.

My heart skips a beat when I see him standing there, looking at me with an intense expression on his face. He's changed out of his usual attire, and is now dressed in a simple shirt and trousers. The fabric of his shirt clings to his toned physique, and I can't help but feel a sudden flutter of desire in my chest.

But as quickly as the desire comes, it's replaced by a sense of unease. I'm not sure what to expect from Alexander, especially after his abrupt departure earlier in the day.

"I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly," he says, his voice low and gravelly. "My mother needed me."

I nod, unsure of what to say. There's a strange tension between us, and I can't help but feel like there's something unsaid hanging in the air.

Alexander looks at me for a long moment, his gaze unwavering. I feel my cheeks flush under his intense stare, and I can't help but wonder what he's thinking.

"Amelia," he says, his voice low and husky. "I really am trying, I promise, but I can't stop thinking about you."

"Alexander" I say softly, trying to back away from him. "you know you cant say that, we can't-"

I try to speak, but before I can finish my sentence, Alexander steps closer, so close that our bodies are touching. The heat emanating from his body is overwhelming, and I feel a rush of desire shoot through me.

His lips are on mine, and I can't help but respond. The taste of his lips, the feel of his arms around me, it's all so intoxicating. I know I should push him away, but I can't resist the feelings he's stirring up inside me.

We move towards the bed, and my heart is pounding with anticipation. My mind is racing with a mixture of excitement and fear. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know I want him. I can feel his eyes on me, and it only adds to my nervousness. Does he feel the same way I do? Or am I just another girl to him? As we lie down on the bed, his hands exploring my body, I can't help but wonder what he's thinking. But as he kisses me again, I forget all my doubts and surrender myself to him completely.

As we sink into the softness of the bed, Alexander takes hold of my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. Our eyes meet and I can feel his gaze penetrating my soul, igniting a fire within me. His eyes are full of desire and longing, sending shivers down my spine.

As his hand caresses my cheek, he leans in to kiss me again. I can feel his warm, soft lips against mine, and I can feel the passion building between us. My heart is racing with anticipation, and I respond eagerly to his advances, surrendering myself to the moment. The world fades away and all that exists is him and me, lost in our own world of desire and longing.

As our kiss deepens, I can feel Alexander's hands exploring my body. His touch is electric, sending waves of pleasure through me. I can't believe how much I want him, how much I crave his touch.

As I lay in bed next to Alexander, his breath warm against my ear, my heart skips a beat when he whispers those words to me. "I need you, Amelia." His voice is low, and it sends shivers down my spine. I can't help but let out a small moan in response, my body already reacting to his touch.

I can tell he means it in more than one way. His touch is possessive, and his eyes hold a hunger that I can't ignore. I know that this is more than just a physical desire; there's something deeper here, something that draws us together like magnets.

As we lie here, tangled up in each other, my mind races with thoughts of what might happen next. I feel his body heat building against mine, and the anticipation makes me dizzy. I am completely and utterly his, and I know that there is no turning back now.

Despite my racing thoughts, I feel a sense of peace and security as I rest in his arms. His touch makes me feel safe and protected, and I can't help but think that this is exactly where I'm meant to be.

I lay in bed, my body pressed against Alexander's. I can feel his warmth, his heartbeat, his breath on my skin. We kiss with a passion that ignites a fire deep within me.

As he says my name over and over again, the feelings inside of me intensify with each repetition. My hands explore his body, eager to trace every contour of his muscles. Our tongues dance together in a sensual rhythm, and my heart races with every touch and every sensation. This is what I've been waiting for, what I've been craving - this intense and passionate moment with Alexander.

As his lips move down my neck, my body arches with pleasure. I let out a soft moan, unable to contain the desire that courses through my veins. The electricity between us is palpable, and I never want this moment to end. I'm lost in the sensation of his touch, and the intensity of our connection is all-consuming. It feels like nothing else matters in this moment, and I'm completely lost in the pleasure that we're sharing.

I pull him closer, wrapping my legs around his waist as he leans in for another kiss. The taste of his lips, the scent of his skin, it all consumes me. It's as if we're the only two people in the world, lost in the moment.

Alexander's lips press harder against mine, the kiss becoming almost aggressive. It's as if he can't control himself, like something inside of him has been unleashed. The sounds he makes as he kisses me send a sweet whisper of pleasure through my body, and I can't help but react to his touch.

As he leans closer, I can feel his hot breath on my neck, causing shivers to run down my spine. But there's something different about him now. His once deep blue eyes have turned a deep shade of red, and it's making me feel a little uneasy.

Alexander takes in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as he inhales my scent. I can see the hunger in his eyes, and it's almost overwhelming. I try to pull away, but his grip on me is unyielding.

His fangs brush against my skin, and I can't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement. I've never been with a vampire before, and I know that Alexander's desires are not to be taken lightly.

As his lips press against my neck, I feel a rush of desire wash over me. His touch is electric, and I can feel waves of pleasure coursing through my body. It's almost too much to handle, but at the same time, I never want it to end.

I watch as Alexander's eyes slowly turn back to their normal blue color. He takes a deep breath, and I feel the tension in the room dissipate. It's as if a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. I can't help but let out a sigh of relief myself.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now