Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

I can feel the relief and joy spreading throughout the room as we realize that it has worked. Kiki is free from Lucas's control, and we can finally leave this place.

But as Alexander wraps his arms around me, I can still feel a lingering sense of guilt and confusion. How could I have been so easily swayed by Lucas's powers? And why did I feel something when we kissed?

I know that I have to talk to Alexander, to explain everything and assure him of my love for him. But for now, I am just grateful that we have succeeded in our mission to save Kiki and my father.

But as we walk, I can sense that Alexander is still holding back. I know that I need to address his underlying fears, the ones that have been festering since the moment he found out about Lucas.

"Alexander," I say, stopping him in his tracks. "I need to know something. Do you trust me?"

He looks at me, his expression serious. "Of course I do, Amelia. Why do you ask?"

"Because I need you to trust that what happened with Lucas meant nothing," I reply, "I love you, Alexander. You're the only one I want."

He nods, but I can still see the doubt lingering in his eyes. "I do trust you, Amelia," he says, "but I can't shake the feeling that Lucas isn't finished with us... with you yet. We need to be careful."

I know that he's right. Lucas is not to be trusted, and we need to keep a close eye on him. But for now, I am content in the knowledge that Alexander and I are on the same page, working together to save Kiki and my father.

As we rejoin Kiki and my father, I can see the excitement in Kiki's eyes. She is ready to begin her mission to gather the faeries from the other realms, and I am ready to do

I cant truly focus on anything before I have spoken to alexander. I take his hand and pulls him aside.

I take a deep breath and look at Alexander. "I need to tell you something," I say, "I didnt just flirt... I kissed Lucas, but I didn't mean to. I think it was because of the bond between master and pet. He had some sort of control over me, and I couldn't resist."

Alexander's eyes widen in shock, but then he nods, "I understand. The bond can be powerful," he says, his voice soothing. "But I want you to know that I trust you, Amelia. And I know that you didn't have any real feelings for him."

I look up at Alexander with a sense of gratitude. "Thank you," I say, "for understanding."

He smiles at me, "Of course, Amelia," he says, "I know how powerful the bond between master and pet can be." I cant help but think about the fact that he is also my master... but there is no way. The way I feel about Alex is different, I truly love him.

I nod in agreement, and then the weight of the situation settles back on me.

"But I need to know how to break that bond," I say, "I can't let myself be hypnotized by Lucas again."

Alexander's brow furrows, and I can see the concern in his eyes. "I'm not sure," he admits, "I've never had to break a bond like that before."

I bite my lip, feeling a sense of desperation. "There has to be a way," I say, "I'll do anything to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Alexander nods, determination in his expression. "We'll figure it out," he says, "together. I won't let anything happen to you. Maybe your newfound hybrid powers can do something?"

I feel a sense of relief wash over me again, knowing that I have someone by my side who will do anything to protect me. Together, we'll find a way to break the bond with Lucas, Im sure of it. Maybe the bond between Alex and I is so strong that it will overpower my new bond with Lucas.

"But Alex... can a pet have two masters? I felt something change when Lucas let go of Kiki. What if the moment a master lets go of a pet, he immediately attracts the closest one?" i suggest. That would mean i am no longer Alexanders pet.

He looks at me with a worried expression.

"That could be a theory, but if thats true then I dont have a pet anymore. I love you Amelia, and I need to get you back" he answers, his voice filled with emotions.

"Well, when Lucas became my master, we were in the middle of... you know the kiss" I say while looking down in embarrassment.

"So maybe we need to create a moment between us, strong enough to make you my master again" I continue while stil looking down. Alexander gently grabs my chin and lifts my head up to look me in the eyes.

"Amelia, I would gladly fuck you over and over just to be sure" he says with a calm voice.

Alexander's words hit me like a freight train, leaving me stunned and speechless. I had never heard him speak so crudely before, and it takes me a moment to process what he just said. My face must have given away my shock because he chuckles and pulls me close.

"Relax," he says, his voice calm and reassuring, "I was only teasing you..."

I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I whisper, "Sir Alexander, would you please not say that again."

He looks at me with amusement in his eyes before leaning in to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. I can't deny that a small part of me found his language and confidence somewhat attractive, even if it did catch me off guard.

I notice a little smirk form on his lips, and I know that he's picked up on my thoughts again. I scowl at him, annoyed that he always seems to know what I'm thinking. "Stupid jerk," I mutter under my breath.

Kiki flies out the window with a determined look on her face. We all hope that she can gather the faeries in time before the battle begins.

My father turns to Alexander, "I will take your room for the night, so you two can have some privacy." He gives us a small smile before heading towards the door.

Alexander and I look at each other, unsure of what to say. "I guess we'll have to walk over to my room," I say, breaking the silence.

Alexander nods, "Lead the way, my lady." He offers his arm to me, and I take it, feeling my heart flutter.

As we walk down the hallway, I can't help but feel grateful for Alexander's support. He's been my rock throughout this whole ordeal, and I don't know what I would do without him.

We finally reach my room, and Alexander holds the door open for me. "After you," he says with a smile.

I step inside and turn to face him, "Thank you for being here for me," I say, my voice filled with emotion.

Alexander takes my hands in his, "I will always be here for you, Amelia. You are the most important thing in my life."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, "I love you," I say, barely above a whisper.

"I love you too," he replies, before pulling me into a deep, passionate kiss.

"You know, we could try to break the spell?" he whispers in my ear as we walk closer to the bed. 

*The next chapter is very explicit. It is not relevant for plot*

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