Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

My mind races as I try to process this information. I'm a hybrid? My father was a vampire? It all feels like too much to take in.

But still, I can't bring myself to agree to join Lucian's clan. I can't become one of them, no matter what they offer me.

"I'll find my father on my own," I say, my voice firm. "I don't need your help."

Lucian's expression darkens, and I can feel the tension in the room rising. But I stand my ground, refusing to back down.

"You'll regret this, Amelia," he says, his voice low and menacing.

But I don't flinch. I know I made the right choice. I'll find my father on my own, no matter what it takes.

As Lucian continues to speak, my mind is racing. My father was a vampire? And I'm a hybrid? This is all too much to process. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I'm trying to keep my breathing steady.

"You see, Amelia," Lucian says, his voice low and menacing. "We need someone like you. Someone with the strength and power of a hybrid. You could help us take over the world."

I shake my head, taking a step back. "I'm not interested in taking over the world. I just want to find my father."

Lucian's eyes narrow, and I can see the anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Your father is safe, for now. But if you don't join us, I can't guarantee his safety."

I shake my head, taking another step back. "I wont do it! And dont you dare touch him! I don't want to be a vampire."

Lucian's eyes flicker with anger, and I can feel the tension in the room rising. "You don't understand, Amelia. You have no idea what you're capable of. You could be unstoppable. But if you refuse to join us, we'll have to take matters into our own hands."

I can feel the fear creeping in, but I'm trying to stay strong. "I won't join you!" I say firmly again.

Lucian is not happy, but he doesnt say anything else. James lets me go, and I run as fast as cant back to the castle. I am so confused and i need to talk to alexander. He returns tonight, som im gonna wait up for him.


As I leave Lucian's presence, I can feel the tension in the air. He's clearly upset, but he doesn't say anything else to me. James releases me, and I immediately take off running as fast as I can towards the castle.

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I feel so confused about what just happened. I need to talk to Alexander and clear my head. I know he's due to return tonight, so I decide to wait up for him.

As I step inside the castle, the warmth of the air hits me like a wave, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. Despite the looming feeling of discomfort that I know is coming, I can't help but feel comforted by the familiar warmth of the castle. It's like a blanket that wraps around me, making me feel safe and secure.

I take a few steps forward, my boots clicking against the marble floor. The castle is surprisingly quiet at this time of day, which only adds to the feeling of comfort. I can hear the faint sound of a distant clock ticking, but other than that, there's nothing but silence.

As I walk further into the castle, I notice the soft glow of the lanterns that line the walls. The warm light casts a gentle glow on everything, making the castle look even more inviting.

Despite the sense of comfort that I feel, I know that it won't last for long. Soon, I will have to face Alexander.

As Alexander finally enters the castle, I am waiting for him in the grand hallway, arms crossed and a fierce expression on my face. He looks up and our eyes meet. I can see the confusion in his eyes. He knows something is wrong, but he can't quite figure out what it is.

"Amelia, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.

I take a deep breath, trying to control my anger before I speak. "Did you know I was a hybrid?" I ask, my voice steady but laced with venom.

Alexander looks at me, his eyes shifting slightly before he answers and his face even more pale than a vampire should be, "Yes, I know. But not until recently!"

I feel a lump form in my throat, and my anger begins to boil over. "And you didn't think to tell me?" I ask, my voice rising.

"I didn't think... ," he trails off, his voice softening as he tries to calm me down, "I didnt think it was important. I can protect you" he says, trying to sound calming.

"Not important!?" I repeat, my voice shaking with rage. "How could you say it's not important? Being a hybrid changes everything. It changes who I am, what I can do, and who I can trust."

As Alexander takes a step closer, I instinctively take a step back, not wanting him to touch me. His hand hovers in the air, as if he's unsure of what to do. "Amelia, listen to me," he says softly. "I didn't fall for you because of your hybrid powers. I fell for you because of who you are as a person. Your kindness, your intelligence, and your strength. Your hybrid status was never a factor."

I can't help but feel skeptical of his words. How can I trust him after everything that has happened? "How can I trust you now?" I ask, my voice wavering with emotion.

He takes a deep breath before responding. "I know I've hurt you and I'm sorry. But I want to make things right. Please, give me a chance to prove myself to you."

I consider his words, my mind torn between wanting to believe him and protecting myself from further hurt. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I need some time to think," I say finally.

"I understand" Alexander says, taking a step back. "But please know that I will always be here for you. I care for you, Amelia. More than anything."

With that, he turns and walks away, leaving me standing there, alone and confused.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now