Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I wake up to a new day, and I can already feel the anxiety building up inside me as I think about serving Alexander again. I get dressed and make my way to the kitchen, where I prepare his breakfast.

As I lay the tray down on the table, I feel Alexander's eyes on me. I try to keep my head down, not wanting to provoke him, but I can't help but steal a quick glance at him. His eyes are fixed on me, and I can sense that he wants to say something, but he doesn't.

I start to serve him his breakfast, and I can feel his gaze following my every move. It's as if he's studying me, trying to figure me out. I keep my head down and try to focus on my task, not wanting to make any mistakes.

As I finish serving him, I can feel his eyes still on me. I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. I quickly make my way out of the room, feeling his gaze follow me out.

I know that I'm just a pet to him, but I can't help but wonder why he keeps looking at me like that. It's as if he wants to say something, but he's holding back. I try not to dwell on it too much, knowing that it's not my place to question him.

I continue with my tasks, trying to ignore Alexander's constant gaze on me. It's like he's looking at me differently now, with a mix of sadness and longing in his eyes. I don't know what to make of it, but I try not to think too much about it.

As I'm cleaning one of the rooms, Alexander walks in and stands by the door, watching me work. I feel my heart race and my palms start to sweat, but I try to stay composed.

"Amelia," he says, breaking the silence. "I need you to come to my study in an hour. I have some work for you to do."

I nod, not trusting myself to speak, and he leaves the room without another word.

I finish my cleaning duties and head to Alexander's study, feeling nervous about what kind of work he has for me. When I arrive, he's sitting behind his desk, looking serious and focused.

"Sit down," he says, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. I do as I'm told, feeling small and insignificant in front of him.

"I need you to help me with some research," he continues. "I don't have time to do it myself, and I need someone to handle it."

I nod, feeling relieved that it's just research work

We work in silence for a while, with Alexander occasionally glancing at me before going back to his work. I can't help but feel like there's something he's not telling me, like there's a hidden meaning behind his gaze and his silence.

But I don't dare to ask, knowing my place as a pet and not wanting to risk angering him. I continue to work, trying to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand.

After a few hours, we finish the work and Alexander dismisses me. As I leave the room, I can't help but look back at him one more time. He meets my gaze and holds it for a moment, before looking away.

I walk back to my room, feeling confused and conflicted about my feelings towards him.

I need to get off this annoying circle where I wake up, make him breakfast, serve him and just sit by the rest of the day. That can't be the way I have to live my life from now on.

I don't have any more duties today, so I'm "free" to do as I please... as long as I can do it within my room. There is not much to do, I can watch the beautiful garden or write a little story with my pen and paper, or maybe just take a small nap and then do both of the things.

The night falls, and I find myself lying in bed, unable to sleep. My thoughts keep wandering back to Alexander and the unknown girls on the side. I can't shake off the feeling that something is off.

But then, I remember the way he looked at me. The way his eyes softened and how he seemed almost lost in thought when he looked at me. It's like there's a different side to him that I can't quite figure out yet.

I wonder if he ever feels the same way about me, if he thinks about me when he's not with me. But then, I remind myself that I'm just a pet, and he's my master. It's not right for me to have these thoughts.

I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind. I close my eyes and focus on the sound of the rain outside my window, hoping it will lull me to sleep. But even as I drift off, my mind continues to wander back to Alexander and the mysteries that surround him.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now