Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's the morning of the auction, and the guards come to collect me and the other girls. They hand us minimal clothing to wear, clearly designed to show off our bodies and attract the wealthiest vampires. It's a degrading experience, but we all know that it's necessary for our survival.

I can't help but feel sorry for the girls who end up with poor vampires. I know that if I end up with a wealthy one, I'll have a warm place to live and maybe even some comforts. But the thought of being bought and owned by someone else still fills me with dread.

As we enter the auction room, my heart starts pounding in my chest. The room is filled with vampires, their eyes scanning over us hungrily. I try my best not to look at any of them, keeping my head down and trying to make myself as small as possible. The atmosphere is tense and I can feel the fear radiating off of the other girls.

I remind myself that I have to stay strong, that I have to do whatever it takes to survive. But as the bidding begins, I can't help but wonder what kind of life I'm going to be forced to lead.

As I enter the room, my heart races with fear and anticipation. The air is thick with the scent of blood and the sound of whispers from the vampires that fill the space. I try to blend in with the crowd of other girls, but my eyes scan the room for any sign of escape.

But then, my attention is caught by one particular vampire. He stands out from the rest with his dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Something about him draws me in, and I can't help but stare. I quickly remember where I am and lower my gaze, trying to avoid any attention from him or any other vampire.

The auction begins, and my heart pounds in my chest as I wait for my turn. Each girl is sold off to the highest bidder, and the tension in the room is palpable. I try not to think about what will happen to me, but fear grips me tightly.

I can feel the eyes of the vampires on me as my turn approaches. I take a deep breath and try to remain calm, but my mind is racing.

It's finally my turn to be sold. I stand up, trying to present myself in the best possible way. As the bidding starts, I can't help but feel like a piece of meat being auctioned off to the highest bidder. I see vampires inspecting me, and I feel their eyes lingering on my body. I try to remain calm and composed, but inside, I'm trembling with fear and anticipation.

As the bidding continues, I pray that I end up with a wealthy vampire. I hope that he will be kind and treat me well, maybe even give me a chance at a decent life. However, as the auction nears its end, I feel a sense of dread wash over me. It seems like I'm about to end up with a grumpy old vampire who won't be kind to me.

But just as I'm about to lose hope, another bid comes in. When I look up, I see the same young vampire who caught my eye earlier. He's offering more than twice the amount the old man was bidding, and the room falls silent. All the other vampires start whispering to each other, and I suddenly realize who this vampire is. He's from the royal family.

I feel a mixture of fear and excitement wash over me as the young vampire continues to bid. He's persistent, and I can tell that he's not going to give up easily. I hope that he will treat me well and give me a chance at a better life. However, I'm also afraid of what being owned by a member of the royal family could mean for me.

Finally, the auctioneer declares him the winner, and the young vampire comes up to the stage to claim me. He orders me off the stage, and I quickly follow him, trying to keep my head down. I'm excited to see where this new chapter of my life will take me, but I'm also afraid of what the future holds.

I can feel the piercing stares of all the other vampires on my back, as I leave the auction room. My heart is racing, and fear grips me as I walk behind the young vampire who had won the bid for me. I can't help but feel a sense of relief that I didn't end up with one of the older or poorer vampires. However, I am still unsure of what's going to happen next.

As we arrive at the room, I can see that it's much nicer than the one I was staying in before. The young vampire orders me to sit down on the bed, and I do as he says, my eyes never leaving his. He's even more handsome up close, but I also know that he's a vampire, and I can't let myself forget that.

I'm not sure what he's going to do with me, but I know that I'm in his hands now. Every move he makes sends shivers down my spine, and I'm too scared to even speak. I can't help but wonder what he wants with me and what he plans to do with me. I try to push the thoughts out of my mind, but they keep coming back.

As he approaches me, my heart beats faster, and my breathing becomes shallow. I feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff, waiting to be pushed off. Despite my fear, I can't deny the strange attraction I feel towards him, and I'm not sure what to make of it.

In this moment, I am completely at his mercy, and I don't know what the future holds for me. All I can do is wait and see what fate has in store for me.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now