Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

As I start walking around the castle, I can't help but notice that there seem to be fewer guards around than usual. It's a strange feeling, and I can't shake the uneasiness that settles in the pit of my stomach. I start to wonder if something is going on that I'm not aware of, but I push those thoughts aside and continue exploring. They are probably just aout hunting with the others.

I eventually make my way to the gardens, and the sight that greets me is breathtaking. The flowers are in full bloom, each one more vibrant and colorful than the next. The hedges are neatly trimmed, and everything looks picture perfect. I take a deep breath of the fresh air and close my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. It's a rare moment of peace in this otherwise chaotic life as a pet.

I know I'm not allowed to leave the castle, but I rationalize that Alexander is not here to stop me, and technically the gardens are a part of the castle. So, I continue to take in the beauty around me, savoring every moment of freedom that I can get.

As I wander through the grounds, I notice that the Queen is nowhere to be found. Maybe she went hunting with the others, I ponder to myself. Suddenly, I hear a rustling in the bushes behind me. Startled, I quickly turn around, but I don't see anything. My heart starts to beat a little faster as I wonder if it's one of the animals that the vampires keep. But then, out of nowhere, I hear a voice.

"Hey, you."

I spin around again, and this time I see a boy around my age standing there, looking at me curiously. He's dressed in dark clothing and has messy black hair, but there's something friendly about his face that puts me at ease.

I reply with a timid, "Hi," feeling a little shy as I study him closely. He seems familiar, but I can't quite place where I've seen him before.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, walking over to me.

"Just exploring," I reply, feeling a little awkward under his scrutiny. "I'm Amelia."

The boy smiles at me, revealing a set of white teeth that seems to gleam in the sunlight. "Nice to meet you, Amelia. I'm James," he says, his voice smooth and warm. I can't help but notice that there's something about his smile that's both adorable and a little scary.

James and I chat for a little while longer, and I find out that he is one of the servants in the castle. He works in the kitchens, but he enjoys coming out to the gardens during his breaks to relax and enjoy the fresh air. As we talk, I feel myself start to relax a little more around him. He's easy to talk to, and it's refreshing to have someone to chat with who doesn't treat me like a pet.

But as our conversation starts to wind down, he suddenly tells me that he has to go. I feel a twinge of disappointment, wishing we could talk a little longer. I wonder if I'll see him again, or if this was just a chance encounter.

I stand there for a moment, lost in thought, before shaking my head and reminding myself that I have more pressing matters to worry about. I can't let myself get distracted by a friendly chat in the gardens.

As the day wears on, my anxiety grows with each passing moment. I keep thinking about Alexander and the guards, worrying about where they could be and when they'll return. I try to distract myself by talking to some of the other pets and exploring more of the castle, but my mind keeps going back to my worries.

Every time I hear a noise or footsteps in the hall, I stop and listen, hoping it's Alexander coming back. But it's never him. I feel like I'm on edge, waiting for something to happen.

As the sun starts to set, I make my way back to my room. I can't shake off the feeling of loneliness that's been creeping up on me all day. I miss Alexander's presence and the sense of safety that he brings with him. I wonder when he'll be back and if everything will be okay.

I curl up in my bed, feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts. I try not to dwell on my fears too much, knowing that it will only make me feel worse. But it's hard to ignore the questions swirling around in my head, with no answers in sight.

I let out a deep sigh and close my eyes, hoping that Alexander will return soon and put my mind at ease. As I drift off to sleep, I know that all I can do is wait and hope for the best.


The next day arrives, and still, there is no sign of Alexander or the vampires. I try not to let my worry consume me, but I can't shake off the sense of unease that lingers within me. I spend most of the day locked up inside my room, pacing back and forth, feeling restless and anxious. My mind is racing with thoughts, trying to decipher where they could be or what could have happened. But I know I shouldn't be thinking too much about it. I'm just a pet after all.

After hours of feeling cooped up, I realize that I need to get out and clear my head. So, I decide to take a walk through the castle gardens. The sun is shining, and the birds are chirping, providing a momentary distraction from my worries. As I walk, I come across a boy sitting on a bench near a beautiful rose bush. I recognize him as James, the boy from yesterday.

I notice him tending to the plants outside, and I decide to approach him. "Hey, James," I say, my voice breaking the peaceful silence around us. "What are you doing out here?"

He looks up at me, his face breaking into a warm smile. "Oh, hey Amelia. I'm just taking care of the plants. They need a lot of attention, you know."

I nod in agreement, taking a seat next to him on the bench. The garden looks stunning, and it's clear that James has a green thumb. "They look beautiful. You really have a way with plants."

A shy grin spreads across his face as he looks down at his hands. "Thanks, Amelia. It's just something I've always enjoyed doing. It helps me feel...grounded, I guess."

I can understand that. When things are chaotic and out of control, it's helpful to have something tangible to focus on. "I know what you mean. It's nice to have something to focus on, especially when things are...difficult."

James nods in agreement, and we sit there in comfortable silence for a few moments. The only sound is the soft buzz of the bees flitting around the flowers. It's a peaceful moment, one that I cherish in the midst of the chaos that is my life in this castle.

I decide to break the silence, "I've never seen you inside the castle. Do you not like being inside?"

James looks at me, slightly surprised by the sudden conversation. "It's not that I don't like it, exactly. It's just that...well, it's a bit overwhelming, you know? There are so many people, so many rules. It's nice to have a bit of peace and quiet out here."

I nod, completely understanding. "I know what you mean. It can be a lot to handle sometimes."

We continue chatting, enjoying each other's company. We talk about the different types of plants and flowers, the weather, and anything else that comes to mind. I find myself feeling grateful for the distraction from my worries.

As the sun starts to set, I realise that I should probably head back inside. "Well, I should be going," I say, standing up from the bench. "It was nice talking to you, James."

James stands up as well and smiles at me. "It was nice talking to you too, Amelia. Maybe we can do this again sometime?"

I feel a warmth spread through my chest and nod. "I'd like that." As I walk back into the castle, I can't help but think that there may be more to James than just a gardener.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now