Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

I find myself lost in Alexander's intense gaze, drawn to the depth and darkness of his eyes. But as I continue to look, I notice a change in their color. They flicker from their usual dark brown to a deep, ruby red. Panic grips me as I realize that this is a sign of his vampire side taking over. I can feel the hunger and desire pulsating from him, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"What's happening, Alexander?" I ask, my voice trembling with fear.

"I don't know," he replies, his voice strained. "I'm trying to control myself, but it's getting harder."

I take a step back, feeling a mixture of confusion, fear, and desire. The power of his vampire side is both exhilarating and terrifying. I can sense it pulling me towards him, urging me to surrender. But I know I can't. Not yet.

"Maybe we should stop," I suggest, my voice barely audible.

Alexander nods, looking both relieved and disappointed at the same time. "You're right. We can't risk it."

We both take a deep breath, trying to calm our racing hearts. The tension between us is still thick, and we both know that this is far from over. As much as I want to stay, I know that it's time to leave. I need to rest before another day of serving him.

"Goodnight, Alexander," I say, turning to leave.

As I walk towards my room, I can feel his eyes on me, burning into my back. I know that he's watching me, and it sends a thrill through me.


I wake up the next morning with a heavy heart, still confused about what happened with Alexander last night. His eyes turned red again, and I could feel the hunger and desire building up within him. It was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

I need to talk to him, to find out what's going on. He told me he would work on it. I get dressed and make my way to Alexander's room, knocking softly on his door. He answers almost immediately, looking both tired and apprehensive.

"Amelia," he says, his voice low. "I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "But why do your eyes keep turning red? I thought you were trying to control it"

Alexander's troubled expression makes me worry. I can feel his fear and frustration in his voice as he speaks. I understand his struggle with his vampire side, and I feel a pang of sympathy for him. It must be hard for him to maintain control over his dual nature all the time.

"I don't know. It's like something is still triggering my vampire side, and it's getting harder and harder to control," Alexander confesses, his eyes staring off into the distance.

I feel the need to offer him comfort, to ease his distress. "I want to help you," I say, taking his hand in mine. "Is there anything I can do?"

Alexander's eyes soften as he looks at me, and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Just being here with me, Amelia, that's enough," he says, his voice full of emotion, buth relief and later frustration.

"I can feel my throat dry out, and I can hear your heartbeat from miles away. Your pulse is strong, and your scent is different from anything else I have ever experienced. You make me frustrated, Amelia," he says, running his fingers through his hair in a rushed manner.

His words hurt me more than they should, and I struggle to maintain my composure. I know that he doesn't mean to hurt me, but his words still sting.

"But I love you, Amelia, and I just need to learn to control it," he says, his eyes turning blood-red once again.

I can see the intensity of his emotions in his eyes, and I feel my own heart race. I want to believe him, to trust that he can control his vampire side, but a part of me still feels scared and unsure.


I concentrate, closing my eyes and focusing on the feeling of my body changing. At first, there's a tingling sensation all over my skin, and then it's like my bones are melting and reforming into a new shape. I open my eyes and see that I'm no longer human - I've transformed into a sleek black panther.

I prowl around my room, testing out my new form. I'm faster and more agile than I've ever been, and it's exhilarating. But then there's a loud banging on my door, and I hear the queen's angry voice demanding to see me.

I quickly shift back into my human form and try to compose myself. I open the door and see the queen standing there, her eyes flashing with anger.

"Amelia," she says, her voice cold and sharp. "We need to talk."

I can feel her power radiating off of her, and I suddenly realize how much danger I'm in. But I stand my ground, trying to project confidence.

"What do you want to talk about, Your Majesty?" I ask, keeping my voice steady.

"You need to come with me," she continues, grabbing my arm roughly. "We have much to discuss."

I try to resist, but her grip is too strong. As she leads me down the hall, I can feel her power pressing down on me, suffocating and overwhelming. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out against her.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself as we enter the throne room. The queen walks over and sits on her throne, her eyes fixed on me.

"I know about all your powers, and I know that you have been hiding them from me. How could you be so foolish as to think that you could keep something like that a secret?"

So now she knows all about my powers... great. I know she felt the burst of energy the other day, but apparently she knows it all now.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now