Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

As I make my way down the hallway, my thoughts consume me, leaving me unaware of my surroundings. Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps from the other end of the hall catches my attention. My heart races as I realize it's Alexander. We haven't really spoken since the ball, and I've been actively avoiding him ever since. But now, there's no escaping this encounter. We're both walking towards each other, and there's no way to avoid what's coming next. My stomach churns as we get closer and closer, until finally, we're face to face.

"Amelia," he says, his voice cool and collected.

"Alexander," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

As we stand there in silence, the tension between us is palpable. My mind races with all the things I want to say to him, but I know I can't. I have to stay professional, I have to remember that I'm just his pet. The silence continues for what feels like an eternity, but in reality, it's only a few moments.

Finally, he breaks the awkward silence. "I wanted to apologize for the way I acted at the ball," he says.

His words take me by surprise. I never expected him to apologize, especially not after the way he's been treating me lately. It takes me a moment to compose myself before I respond.

"Thank you Sir," I say, trying to hide the emotions that are swirling inside me.

As he speaks, I can see the concern etched on his face. "I know I've been distant," he says. "But it's for your own safety. My mother is watching us closely, and I don't want her to suspect anything."

I try to put myself in his shoes, understanding the weight of his words, but it's hard not to feel frustrated. I nod, attempting to convey my understanding, "I know," I say, but I can't help the disappointment from creeping into my voice. "I just wish things could be different."

He looks at me, and I can see the mixture of emotions in his eyes. There's sadness, longing, and a hint of something else I can't quite place. "So do I, Amelia. So do I."


I am sitting in the huge window frame in my room, with my legs dangling outside, and gazing up at the starry night sky. Each star twinkles in the darkness like a beacon of hope, illuminating the bleak and lonely world that surrounds me. As I lose myself in the mesmerizing view, I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to be among the stars - free from the bonds that keep me tied to this castle and the vampires who rule it.

The stars seem to hold secrets and mysteries that I yearn to explore. I imagine myself soaring through space, surrounded by the infinite expanse of the universe, feeling weightless and free. As I drift away into my thoughts, I can't help but reflect on my life before all of this. I reminisce about the warmth of the sun on my skin, the salty smell of the ocean, and the laughter of my loved ones.

Those memories now feel like a distant dream, far removed from my current reality. I was taken captive by the vampires and forced into a life of servitude. I am now their pet, existing only to serve their needs. But as I gaze up at the sky, I am reminded that there is a vast world beyond the castle walls. A world that I long to explore, a world that I hope to one day call my own.

As I sit here, I let out a sigh and rest my chin on my knees. I feel so trapped, like a bird in a gilded cage. Despite having all the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter, I have no freedom. The vampires watch and monitor me constantly, and I cannot trust even the other human pets. In this world, I am alone.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I cannot stay here forever. I need to find a way out. But how? The castle is surrounded by thick stone walls, and the guards are always on the lookout. Even if I were to make it out of the castle, I would be hunted down and brought back. I could not bear to think about the punishment for my disobedience.

I open my eyes and look up at the stars once more. They seem to be mocking me, taunting me with their freedom. My jealousy intensifies, but I also feel a glimmer of hope. If the stars can be free, then maybe there is a way for me to be free too. I take comfort in this thought and begin to make a plan, determined to break free from my confines and live a life of my own choosing.

I push myself up from the window frame and walk over to my bed. Sitting down, I find myself lost in thought, staring blankly at the wall in front of me. I know I have to be careful and can't just run blindly into danger. However, I also know that I cannot continue to live like this. I must take a chance and try to escape.

As I sit there, contemplating my next move, I hear a knock at the door. My attention shifts from my thoughts towards the door. I turn my head and see Alexander standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable.

"May I come in?" he asks, his voice cold and distant.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to say, but then I nod in agreement. Alexander enters the room and walks over to me. He stands in front of me, his hands clasped behind his back, and stares down at me. I feel small and vulnerable in his presence.

I try to read his expression, but it's impossible. He remains quiet, observing me intently. I realize that I'm holding my breath and let it out in a small sigh.

"Can i help you Sir?" I finally ask, breaking the tense silence. He doesnt answer my question.

As Alexander looks at me with his clipped tone, he asks "What are you doing?"

I lower my voice to a whisper and reply, "I was just thinking."

He probes further, "About what?"

I gaze up at him and answer, "About freedom."

Alexander's face softens slightly as he looks away, and his voice lowers. He empathizes, "I know it must be difficult for you."

Then, he adds with a hint of resignation, "But you must understand that this is your life now. You are a servant, and you must behave as such."

His words trigger an unexpected surge of anger within me, but I try to maintain my composure. I respond in a calm tone, "I understand that. But that doesn't mean that I have to like it."

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Where stories live. Discover now