Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

For the past few days, I've been living in a state of unease and tension. The other pets and I have been given strict instructions to stay in our rooms and not leave unless it's absolutely necessary. Even the guards seem to be on high alert, and the atmosphere in the castle is filled with paranoia.

While I try to occupy myself with reading and drawing, my mind keeps wandering back to the mysterious clan that is supposedly coming to attack the castle. I can't help but feel like something terrible is going to happen, and I'm not sure if anyone is taking the situation seriously enough.

Feeling restless and anxious, I finally decide to take matters into my own hands. I sneak out of my room, determined to find out more information about the supposed attack. As I make my way through the winding corridors of the castle, I keep to the shadows and avoid the guards.

Suddenly, I turn a corner and come face to face with Alexander. He looks surprised to see me, but his expression quickly turns to anger. I can tell that he's not happy to see me wandering around the castle, especially during such a tense and dangerous time.

I am really bad at sneaking around, or the other option is that he is following me arround.

"What are you doing out of your room?" he demands.

"I was just looking for some answers," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady despite the sudden surge of fear that courses through me.

"Well, you won't find any by wandering around like this," he snaps. "It's not safe for you to be out here. You need to go back to your room, now."

I open my mouth to protest, but the sound of footsteps approaching quickly silences me. Without warning, Alexander's hand shoots out and grabs my arm, pulling me into a small alcove and pressing me against the wall.

"Stay here," he orders before disappearing around the corner.

As I stand there, heart racing, I hear the sound of raised voices in the distance. I strain to make out the words, but they are too muffled to comprehend.

After what feels like an eternity, but is probably only a few minutes, Alexander returns to the alcove. His face is pale, and his eyes are dark with anger and worry.

"What's happening?" I ask, my voice trembling with fear.

"It's nothing," he lies, his voice harsh.

I cknow that he's not telling me everything, but I don't push the matter. Instead, Alexander's hand reaches out and takes mine, his grip surprisingly gentle.

I nod understandingly, and he leads me back to my room, making sure that I'm safely inside before leaving.

As I sit on my bed, my mind races with questions. Who were those voices? What was happening out there? And most importantly, what do these vampires want? I know I need to find out more, and I vow to do everything in my power to uncover the truth.'

I notice a piece of paper lying on my bed. It catches my attention, and I feel curious. I walk towards it and pick it up, and to my surprise, it's a note from Kiki, one of the kitchen pets. In the note, Kiki asks me to meet her in the kitchen later that night, after the castle is asleep, claiming she has information that might be helpful.

Reading the note, I feel a glimmer of hope, thinking that Kiki might know something about the vampires that Alexander and his mother are keeping secret. I decide to take the risk and meet her.

As night falls, I wait patiently for the castle to go to sleep. Finally, when the time is right, I slip out of my room, trying to move as silently as possible, and make my way to the kitchen. Kiki is already waiting for me, and as soon as I enter, she pulls me aside.

"Amelia, we've heard more about the vampire clan," Kiki whispers to me, her voice low and urgent. "They're led by a powerful vampire named Lucian. He's known for his cruelty and thirst for power. His goal is to overthrow the current vampire council and become the ruler of all vampires. He believes that by capturing you, the fearless human, he can use you to get something even more important... but I dont know what that is."

I feel a chill run down my spine as Kiki's words sink in. The situation is worse than I thought, and I realize I need to be careful. But at the same time, I feel grateful to Kiki for sharing this information with me. It gives me a better understanding of what I'm up against and allows me to plan accordingly.

As Kiki speaks, my heart races with anxiety. It finally makes sense why the vampires have been pursuing me relentlessly. "So im the one theyre after... what can I possibly get them," I say to Kiki.

Kiki replies, "The guards are keeping things under wraps because they don't want to cause a panic. But the truth is, we're all afraid. We know that if Lucian gets his hands on you, he won't hesitate to use you."

Hearing this fills me with dread, and I feel a lump form in my throat. I had no idea the situation was this serious. "But what can we do?" I ask Kiki. "Alexander won't tell me anything, and I don't want to cause trouble."

Kiki responds, "We have a plan. We've been gathering information and we think we know where the clan is hiding. We're going to sneak in and try to get a look at what they're planning. We could use your help."

I feel my heart race even faster at the thought of facing off against a group of dangerous vampires. But I know that I can't just sit back and let others risk their lives for me. "I'll help," I say firmly. "If there's a chance I can make a difference, I have to I stand tall and say firmly, "I'll do it." Kiki, who is standing in front of me, gives me a small smile and replies, "We're glad to have you on board." She then asks me to meet the team in the kitchen tomorrow night to go over the details of the mission.

As I make my way back to my room, my heart races with excitement and nervousness. I can't shake the feeling that I might be in over my head. But, deep down, I know that I cannot back down now. The lives of everyone in the castle are at stake, and I have been given an opportunity to make a difference.

I spend the rest of the night preparing for the mission. I research the details of the castle and the surrounding areas. I also practice my combat skills, knowing that I may need to defend myself and others during the mission.

Amelia Knight - Bound to the Vampire Prince (Released April 20th)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora