Epilogue - Into the Light

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'It is time', Thranduil spoke softly.

A warm, golden light shone across the water, making the peaceful sea shine like a crystal. A great elven ship was waiting for them. Thranduil extended his hand to Tauriel and she took it, looking a little nervous as she then climbed up the steps to the deck. 

Other elves around them were carrying on the ship a few chests with valuable things that they wanted to take with them from Middle-Earth. Many were there: Maldir, Gilros, Feren, Aethin, Galion, Callon, Celedrim, Alma, Callenor the healer and many others who had chosen to follow their king into the West.

A harp was also placed upon the deck.

'It will keep us company as we sail, my lord', Dairion, one of Thranduil's masters of ceremonies, said with a smile.

Thranduil looked at them with a warm sensation within. They were all happy to follow him and excited to start a new journey. It would have been so hard for him to part from them forever, to leave them behind. It was already hard that he had left some behind, those who could not part from their lands. 

He looked around at the lands of Middle-Earth he would never see again. His platinum blond hair was gently caressed by the breeze and he wore no crown. In truth, from this point on he was no longer King even though the elves who were boarding were still treating him as such. It felt strange yet liberating.

Thranduil stood still, dressed in silver blue velvet, elegant and tall as always, like a ghost of the past who would soon disappear forever. This was the last time he was there. His blue eyes looked far into the distance, with his back to the sea, trying to gaze at the faraway lands he knew so well.

'My lord?'

He turned his head. They were waiting for him. Tauriel was already on board, anxiously waiting for him to join. The endless sea was now calling him.

He boarded the ship and they finally set sail. Soon, he would see Legolas again, he thought to himself. And he would see the light of Valinor that he heard so much about. He smiled.

And so, the very last elven ship sailed into the West, carrying with it the last Elvenking. 

Thranduil and his people were now gently moving away from all the horrors of the past, but also from everything they had loved in Middle-Earth - the forests, the rivers, the memories and their kingdom- never to return. 


Approximately 60 years after arriving in Valinor and settling there, Thranduil had a second child. Tauriel gave him a son they called Amrod (meaning high and lofty in Sindarin). 

Legolas built a house by the sea in Eressea, next to Gimli's dwelling. Not long after settling in Eressea, he finally found real love which brought much joy to everyone, especially to Thranduil. 

The old friends and allies started new lives though they would always share the memories of the bonds formed in Middle-Earth.


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