Light and Shadow

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Just to say that this story includes events from the LOTR but does not necessarily follow them in the canon order. But I wanted to include key events from the books and from the movies. Here is my take on why the elves went to help the people of Rohan in Helm's Deep in Peter Jackson's movie. 

At first, Thranduil saw his own reflection in the water basin. Then, the sight changed and an image of flames was presented before his eyes. He saw the face of Saruman the White and wondered briefly what that had to do with his son. But the mirror could show many things, as Galadriel said. He looked carefully as now Saruman's image changed into that of an army of Uruk-hais. Thranduil was marvelled at their great number, all bearing the White Hand as their sign. Then, the image of Helm's Deep appeared to him, Rohan's great hiding place. There, on the tall stone walls, the image of his son finally appeared. Legolas was standing with a man by his side who Thranduil recognised as being Aragorn. A dwarf was also there and many men of Rohan. Then, a fierce battle was shown before his eyes. Many fallen, many massacred within that fortress...Legolas being surrounded, he and Aragorn outnumbered...

'No.', Thranduil said and it took him away from his trance, the mirror becoming a silver pool and showing again his own reflection.

He raised his eyes towards Galadriel in anger.

'Did you know about this?'

Galadriel though kept silent, only watching him cryptically.

'My son is in danger.', he said. 'I saw him at Helm's Deep. He is with the men of Rohan. He...', Thranduil stopped, suddenly realising all the implications of what he has seen. 'Saruman has betrayed the free people.'

'So it is true.', Galadriel spoke, turning away from the mirror.

Thranduil followed her.

'I received word from Elrond not long past', she continued with her deep voice. 'Though he has the gift of foresight, his visions are not always clear. The future can always change.'

'Tell me what he has seen.', Thranduil demanded. 

Galadriel looked into his eyes.

'He has seen what you have seen now. That Saruman has become Sauron's servant. That King Theoden will take refuge with his people at Helm's Deep and that a large host will attack them.'

'That large host is Saruman's host', Thranduil added. 'They bear his mark.'

'So our visions and fears come true.', a voice said.

Celeborn also came by their side in the beautiful garden. The three elves were now standing tall as the trees around them, with the stars shining bright above their heads. 

'This cannot be a coincidence.', he continued. 'You have seen in the mirror what Lord Elrond has seen in his visions.'

'So Theoden will take his people to Helm's Deep.', Galadriel spoke softly as if to herself. 'That is where the hammer will strike next.'

'If what I've seen happens, it will be a massacre.', Thranduil said. 'I have never seen such a large host. They will be coming from Isengard.'

Celeborn and Galadriel looked at each other worried.

'I have seen Legolas.', Thranduil continued. 'He is with Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and they will be there when it happens. They will not survive this. None will!'

Galadriel turned her eyes towards him with understanding and determination.

'Then we must help them.', she said softly but there was something daunting in her gaze. 'We will send a few hundred of our soldiers to aid Rohan.'

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Where stories live. Discover now