A brighter light

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It was nearly midday when Tauriel was in her chamber, putting on a new, clean training tunic. As she got dressed, her eyes lingered upon the mark of the Morgul arrow above her right breast. Thranduil had healed it nearly entirely and she had what most would have considered a miraculous recovery but there was still a dark-red scar. She covered it with white linen and got fully dressed, feeling an exhilaration to get back to her duties. 

It felt good to be back in the Woodland Realm. It felt like home. More than anything, her heart felt like home. As she walked past the halls packed with familiar faces, she thought of the conversation she had with Thranduil regarding their relationship. She has been too impulsive and allowed her anger to direct her actions. She needed to understand him better and be more patient. His willingness to change his ways and better himself as a partner was making Tauriel's heart feel a familiar joy that only Thranduil could bring to the surface, just as he had the ability to bring to the surface the worst in her. 

She left her room and walked through the kingdom halls. Some elves saluted her, some looked at her with disapproval. As she passed them by, Tauriel sharpened her ears and caught fragments of their whispers, lingering just enough to understand. They were talking about the 'King saving her' and 'healing her himself' but also about how she possibly had disobeyed him again as she turned back from Lorien unexpectedly and joined him in battle. They thought that Thranduil sent her to depart with Haldir and that she had once more betrayed him only for the King to then save the life of an unworthy subject. It was clear that there was much confusion about everything going on between them and that many versions of the story were being talked about. 

As she reached the training grounds, Tauriel felt uneasiness. She saw Aldon and Feren as well as a handful of both her scouts and theirs talking. As she approached, Tulcos, one of her scouts, smiled at her looking happy to spot her and the rest of the heads turned. 

'Good morning', she greeted. 'I hope I am not interrupting anything important.'

'You came on time, we were just talking about the parts in Mirkwood where spiders still lurk and we were dividing them between ourselves', Feren replied right away with his cryptical smile. 'Good to see you recovered.'

He looked towards Aldon and the latter looked at Tauriel with a stern expression.

'Indeed it is. We were not expecting you to resume your duties so soon.' 

'How are you feeling, captain?', one of her female scouts asked. 'We were worried as we heard about the severity of the wound.'

'I am well enough', Tauriel replied with a smile towards the scouts. 

She turned her eyes towards Feren.

'I am ready to go hunting with you this afternoon and resume my duties.', she said. 'I can't burden you with my division all the time. You have already been troubled with taking it too many times.'

'I am used by now.', Feren smirked. 

'So how come you're back?', Aldon asked, tilting his head a little to the side and scanning her. 'We did not expect you to be in Mirkwood at all since you were sent into another mission, isn't that correct?'

'It is a misunderstanding. The King did not send me on that mission, I volunteered for it.' 

'With the King's approval, of course', Feren added quickly, looking at Tauriel with subtlety. 

'Does it matter?' Aldon commented. 'I'm sure you don't really need his approval. He will forgive anything you do.' 

The scouts around them seemed uncomfortable though a few seemed to agree with Aldon judging by their expressions. 

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu