Promises of new beginnings

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Note: There are some behind-the-scenes videos that include Lee Pace's casting where he talks to Tauriel: one scene where he was stern, angry and commanding with her and another one where he calls her 'my fighter, my golden-eye assassin' (I found that really cute, even though Tauriel turned out to have green eyes in the actual movie) and basically tells her she has skill and cunning and she could go far. 

It really reinforced my theory that Thranduil took Tauriel under his wing and he personally trained her to fight and to eventually become his captain. 

Here is the link to the video if you're curious: (that part starts at 8:40).

Thranduil did not see Tauriel for most of the following day and he had the feeling she was avoiding him. That did not bother him as she probably felt just as awkward as he did so it was better to stay away. For Thranduil, it was easy - he was used to avoiding his heart and listening to his head. He buried himself in talk about the realm's defence with Feren, Maldir and Aldon in the throne hall and hoped to forget about her. However, even as he talked to his captains, they reminded him of Tauriel. Oddly enough, he actually missed her strong opinions even though he did not agree with many of them. It felt like something was missing even as he lay there, on his throne, having 3 loyal heads bowed at him. Feren and Maldir especially were more experienced warriors than Tauriel and, to some degree, better leaders, yet why did he crave her presence there?

As his captains left and he stood there in silence, looking at the vast halls of his kingdom from his throne, he thought he had to make some decisions regarding Tauriel. Thranduil had always been too proud to ever consider having feelings for a Silvan elleth but her not being noble or Sindar was the least of the problems. It felt like a betrayal, more than anything, to the memory of his beloved wife and a betrayal to Legolas. However, Tauriel had become a part of him that he could not let go of that easily anymore. He wanted to keep her close and make up for his own weakness, for pushing her away for centuries and finally, kissing her only a night past and giving her false hopes for affection. Affection which was highly inappropriate. Pushing her away had been a mistake but he could not be too intimate with her either. It was a fine line he had to thread.

Thranduil decided to summon her in his private chamber that afternoon and give her back her position. It was the least he could to do make up for hurting her feelings and that would have clarified things between them again in terms of their relationship, with Tauriel being under his command once again. It also meant he could have her closer to him, under his watchful eye, without having to seem inappropriate or give the wrong impression to her or anyone else in the kingdom. Thranduil knew very well that there had been some gossip over time regarding her relationship with him and Legolas and the whispers only increased since he had forgiven her betrayal and allowed her to return to Mirkwood. Wood elves were known for their love of gossip but it was the first time Thranduil felt irritated about it.

'You would like to restore my position as captain?' she asked later while in his meeting chamber, her eyes becoming wider with surprise and dropping her almost-shy and apathetic demeanour she had of late.

'Yes', he replied.

Thranduil's eyes searched hers and could see a fire behind them that he had known for so long and, for a moment, the old Tauriel was there with him again. Her gaze sharpened.

'I can't accept, my lord.'

'May I ask why?'

They looked at each other and Thranduil had a feeling that she would draw the conversation closer to what happened the previous evening. He could feel it was strongly on her mind and could not avoid it. She tilted her head, raising her eyebrows and said:

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