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I want to post this amazing clip even though Legolas is not in this chapter, but he speaks here of Mordor and Gundabad which is quite fitting with this chapter and Legolas was also fighting in Gondor at the same time while Thranduil's realm was being attacked:

The army from Gundabad was now surrounding the fortress, trying to penetrate through the elven enchantments and get closer to the walls. Thanduil's forces led by Gilros and Celledrim were fighting them off and keeping them at bay while at the same time his generals were fighting off the Easterlings deep inside the forest, making them unable to advance. The sounds of war were everywhere. There was no news of his other two generals, Callon and Hador, and Thranduil hoped they were keeping at bay the Easterlings at the South-Eastern border and that they were still alive. 

'Have my subjects been safely gathered to the depths of the fortress?', Thranduil asked Aldon, who was now by his side with his first-in-command within his company, the warrior elleth Maeredith.

By their side, Alma, Miriel and two other maidens working in the royal halls arrived. They all had their weapons, bows and daggers, attached to their clothes. 

'They are safe, my lord', Maeredith spoke, 'and well-guarded.'

'Maeredith has personally ensured that they are evacuated from the places where an attack might harm them', Aldon said, looking into Thranduil's eyes. 

'Good. I want my people to be safe.', Thranduil replied and then looked towards the other elleths. 'Prepare the way for them to take the passage leading to the mountains in case this fortress is penetrated', he said and paused before continuing, 'though I doubt this will happen.'

'Yes, my lord.', the three elven maidens replied with a quick bow of the head and rushed away.

He turned away, keeping his hand firmly on his sword, and walked towards his other captains, including Tauriel.

'Come', he said. 'We will join the defence.'

He saw a shadow of fear for the first time in ages on his captains' faces, even on Maldir's face. A Nazgul was no easy foe to fight off but they had a kingdom to defend. Then, he noticed something else in their eyes - worry. Worry for him, that he might not return and that it was highly dangerous for him to venture outside yet none dared contradict him. He was Thranduil, the great Elvenking, and if he did not defend his people then who would? 

As he walked past them to lead them and their troops, he saw Tauriel by his side to his right. He turned his head, stopping briefly before her. Their eyes met and he said in a lower voice:

'Stay close to me.'

Outside, the fires of war were shining through the trees, though the entire forest would have been lit by then save for the elven enchantments that were somewhat stopping the flames from spreading too fast. Tauriel took her two long elven blades in her hands and Thranduil took his own next to her as they dived in the battle, with an urgency to kill all the foul invaders. Gilros, Thranduil's first general, and his troops were doing a marvellous job in keeping their position steadfast and not allowing any enemy to come too close to the palace. 

It seemed that the enemy sent all they got as the numbers of the foes was great and still more they were, deep in the shadow of Mirkwood. If Callon and Hador could not hold off the Easterlings and they advanced towards the fortress joining the Gundabad host, then perhaps they would be outnumbered. Though it was clear that his generals' host was still battling them as smoke and lights were seen far in the distance and sounds of drums and horns were heard.

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