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Even though this fic is mainly about Thranduil, I will also be exploring a bit Tauriel's feelings for him and for Kili in this chapter and in others to come. As you might have already noticed, I see Tauriel as a flawed character, far from being perfect (just like Thranduil is flawed in his own right) which is what actually makes me love her as a character and want to write about her. 

That being said, I never believed the idea of Tauriel being madly in love with Kili. I think Kili was for Tauriel an escape from her enclosed, unfulfilled life. I think she saw him as a good soul and someone worth saving and fighting for. I think she truly cared for him and that Kili made her feel valued and seen. I also think she might have felt guilty that he sacrificed his life to save her and that he would never fulfill his promise to return home to his mother. But I don't believe she ever had any strong romantic feelings towards him and I think she knew that he loved her more. These are my thoughts on the matter of her and Kili.

Sometime after the prince's departure, Thranduil announced that the Woodland Realm will be marching to war against Dol Guldur together with the forces of Lorien. It was a shocking decision for many as the King had never interfered in the problems of Middle-Earth before unless forced to. He had always protected the realm, kept it hidden, quiet, isolated, secluded, like an oasis of magic and peace. However, since the shadow of Dol Guldur had reached their small paradise, poisoning the forest and constantly invading their borders, all elves agreed with the decision and they knew it was the right one.

After the official announcements in the throne halls, everyone, whether scouts or captains, were discussing the decision. Tauriel and Feren were making their way to the training grounds, walking on the halls and talking about it. 

'I have to admit I did not expect this', Feren was saying. 'Did you know anything about it?'

He glanced at Tauriel from the corner of his eye as they were walking. Tauriel felt strangely uncomfortable but tried to harden her expression into a neutral one.

'Why would I know more than you do?'

Feren smirked and kept quiet for a few moments.

'Because you are fairly close to the King, Tauriel.', he then continued. 'We all know he favours you. I was thinking he might have shared something with you.'

Tauriel looked at Feren and opened her mouth ready to reply, slightly taken aback by his words, but Feren continued:

'In any case, they are weaker now after the last battle so it is wise to attack them soon before they get the chance to regroup again. They are also leaderless', he added while turning his head towards Tauriel with his usual smile from the corner of his lips, 'I should say thanks to you.'

Tauriel suppressed a smile herself and looked down slightly nervous as they continued walking. 

'Yes, the King is wise', she said. 'He knows it is the right time to strike them before they strike us again. It is the right choice and although he should have done it long ago, I am glad he chose to do it nonetheless.'

Feren watched her again carefully from the corner of his eyes.

'They will most probably have a new leader though by now', she continued.

'Most probably, yes', Feren said. 'However, our King beheading their commander in the last battle gave them a strong message - the elves are not as weak as Sauron thinks.'

'No, we are not, mellon. And you are wrong', she said while slowing her pace and looking at Feren. 'The King does not favour me more than he favours anyone else. At least...not anymore. Not since my betrayal.'

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum