Sweet madness

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Disclaimer: I don't own the video.

"It was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage...it was at all times lawful for any of the Eldar, both being unwed, to marry thus of free consent one to the other without ceremony or witness...in flight and exile and wandering, such marriages were often made." - Laws and Customs of the Eldar, Tolkien. 

'I am sorry', Tauriel started as she sat down and Thranduil felt his heart freeze a little at her words, as he waited for her to continue. 'I am afraid one of the guards saw me come. He is under Aldon's command.'

Thranduil let out an almost inaudible sigh. He believed she would say something much worse, perhaps reject his proposition to start with.

'No matter', he said quickly.

Tauriel looked at him a bit surprised.

'I could have summoned you for a variety of different reasons, given recent events.', he continued.

'Now, at this time of the night?' she asked rhetorically, raising an eyebrow slightly.

'Let me deal with it. I thought you said you did not care for what others say about you.', Thranduil continued, looking at her with his head held high and a slightly teasing gaze.

For the first time that day, Tauriel looked down with a sad little smile, as if she knew something he didn't. He watched her carefully as she spoke. 

'Many elves in this realm still consider me a traitor. They have not forgiven my betrayal.'

Thranduil was shocked by her words and felt sudden irritation.

'Your King has forgiven your betrayal.', he said with a deep, calculated voice. 'You are now captain again under my command. Anyone who does not treat you as such disobeys my orders and is therefore a traitor himself.'

His eyes were sharp and a sudden anger started showing up on his face.

'I am afraid I will not escape my stigma too soon. Many elves have seen with their own eyes as I challenged you in Dale and pointed an arrow at you. The rumours have long spread in the entire kingdom. Elves do not forget easily. It is not seen with good eyes for me to be close to you, my lord.'

She was calling him 'my lord' again. Thranduil watched her carefully as she continued.

'It matters not to me but I do not wish to give them more reasons for gossip and ill behaviour. Also, I don't want this to include you.'

'Why did you not tell me this before?' he asked.

'I did not wish to burden you with something I am responsible for. You had enough problems to deal with and had been kind enough to pardon me, that was enough.'

He looked at her with a slight frown, tracing his finger over his wine goblet. The only people who could have spread the gossip of what happened in Dale and therefore the animosity towards her were Feren and the elves in his company, since they were the ones behind him during that incident. Memories of what happened there flooded him again. He did not believe people would still hold onto it and cause her trouble if he himself had forgiven Tauriel.

'Has Feren been treating you unkindly?

'No', Tauriel said sincerely, looking now straight into his eyes. 'Feren has always been friendly with me and kind. But there are others...'

She stopped there. Thranduil felt like this did not have to carry on under his nose. It was an insult to him, ultimately.

'Tell me who they are.', he demanded.

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant