The Feast of Starlight

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Shout out to Nightwish's music for accompanying me on my writing journey. 

Laudato Si Ad Astra - Glory to the Stars 

Thranduil was sitting in his private meeting room. It was late in the morning. He had been waiting for Tauriel to come see him since dawn and now he was finally looking upon her slim figure.

'You did not come to see me last night.'

His words were direct, just like his intense gaze upon her. Tauriel looked away.

'I was tired...and worried. Everything happening right now in Middle-Earth is worrisome.'

Thranduil looked away, unsatisfied with her answer. 

'You are not the only one worried.', he said, going next to his cup and pouring himself some wine, thoughts of Legolas in the midst of war still heavy on his heart. 'Everyone is preparing for a feast but I wonder if it is truly the right time to celebrate... Perhaps I should cancel the main ceremony tonight and only leave the light offerings.'

'No.', Tauriel said firmly. 'The Silvan elves would be very disappointed. They need a bit of light to remind them what they are fighting for. Our people need a bit of merriment at this time.' 

Thranduil's mouth smiled at her words: 'our people'. She would have been a great Queen if the circumstances were different. If Legolas would have never fallen in love with her in such a public way. If she had not defied him in front of his subjects. If their union would have been more obvious and less shocking to his people. If...

He went to a beautifully carved wooden box and took out a single piece of jewellery. It looked like a thick, silver bracelet only it had incrusted on it what seemed like small gems shining like tiny stars on it. Thranduil then came in front of Tauriel, holding the beautiful item in his hand.

'I'd like you to wear this.'

Her lips parted in awe, seemingly left without words. Then, as if she came to her senses, Tauriel raised her eyebrows and said with a little sarcastic smile:

'I'm afraid that our union will become too obvious if I wear this at the feast, my lord.'

'I'm afraid I don't care anymore at this point', he replied. 'We have more important things to focus on. Let them say something about you and me. I dare them.'

Tauriel smiled at his defiance of the court and placed the bracelet on her wrist. It looked as though it was made for her. 

'We didn't share any token of our union yet.', Thranduil spoke, watching her wrist. 'When all this is over, I will wed you in a proper ceremony and everyone will know you are my consort. But not until the war is over.'

He knew his words actually meant not until Legolas was home. He had a feeling Tauriel knew too. 

'It's beautiful', she said softly, looking at the bracelet on her wrist and Thranduil could not tell what she was thinking but felt something was wrong. 

'You're not happy.', he said.

'I...', she started, finally looking into his eyes. 'I wish things would be easy.'

How he wished the same, he thought. Commoners were not even bothered with any wedding ceremonies; they could simply choose their life partner as they wished without any formalities attached. 

'You know what I always wondered?' she asked suddenly. 'How it would be like to share a dance with you.'

Thranduil gazed at her, a little taken aback by her thoughts. 

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