A deeper shadow

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''But there was in Thranduil's heart a still deeper shadow. He had seen the horror of Mordor and could not forget it.'' - Tolkien, Unfinished Tales 

Thranduil was in the throne room with his captains who were bringing him news from Lorien. The communication with Celeborn and Galadriel had been scarce and difficult of late due to the many dangers of having their messages intercepted by spies of the enemy. 

'We have been informed that Lothlorien was attacked again by a group of orcs from the East', Maldir spoke. 'They did not advance towards Mirkwood though.'

'I suppose they have repelled this attack once again using Nenya?', Thranduil asked almost rhetorically. 

'Yes, my lord.'

'Then there is nothing new.'

'There is something else, my lord.'

Thranduil tilted his head.

'One of our scouts who was spying in the Northern region saw two Nazguls flying East from Gundabad.'

The other three captains, including Tauriel, turned their heads with a frown towards Maldir.

'If it is true that three of the Nazguls settled in the old Angmar fortress, then it must mean that two of them have now been sent elsewhere.', he continued. 

'The enemy is moving again...', Thranduil said with a low voice, his eyes suddenly transfixed in thought. 'Right now, we are all just pieces on a chess table.'

'My lord', Aldon started, 'shall we attack Gundabad now while they are gone?'

'Did I mention an attack to any of you, Aldon? Did I ever suggest I intended in doing so?', Thranduil said suddenly turning his piercing gaze towards him.

'No, my lord.', Aldon replied, leaving his head down.

'I do not intend to spill any more elvish blood in other places. If we are to fight again, we will fight here.'

'Have we not attacked Dol Guldur though and defeated it? Have we not helped the people of Dale and the dwarves of Erebor in battle?', Tauriel asked suddenly.

Thranduil looked back at her with fierce eyes and a frown. 

'That was different. Dol Guldur was a plague upon our realm for ages. We were not alone but Celeborn's army was with us. Same with Dale and Erebor. The attack was already in motion and we did not stand alone. I did not go there on their behalf but to prevent an invasion on this realm which was already in motion. In this case, there is no attack from Gundabad, no reason for us to march there on our own.'

'If we do not attack, they might.'

'Let them!', Thranduil said with a resounding voice though still composed. 'Let them come here. We will meet them with the most fierce resistance. They will be on our territory.'

The other three captains kept silent, giving Tauriel side glances and then looking back at the King.

'Feren', Thranduil suddenly said, turning his eyes towards him. 'Have the enchantments around the fortress and within the forest been completed yet?'

'Yes, my lord.', Feren replied. 'All roads, all rivers, all springs and trees have been touched by elven magic. Should an enemy try and come close, they would have twice as much difficulty as before.'

'Perfect. Have all the smaller entries to the fortress been sealed?'

'Yes, my lord.'

Thranduil sat up from his throne, his spring woodland crown upon his head, looking imposing and majestic.

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