The flames of war

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Thranduil, Maldir and Tauriel were down in the dungeons' area, having the three captured orcs kneed in front of them, their hands tied up with elven rope. Above them, Thranduil could hear sounds of chatter from the throne halls, though they were no longer sounds of celebration but more of an unsettled vibration. He knew that his captains and his general Callon were trying to calm everyone and make them feel safe. He was going to return to the feast himself but first he needed to deal with what was urgent. He pointed his sharp blade at one of the orcs' heads.

'I will ask you one more time', he spoke calmly, 'what were you doing in my realm?'

The orc displayed a grotesque, angry expression, feeling cornered.

'My master sent us here.', he growled.

'By your master, you mean Sauron?', Thranduil asked softly, almost fearing the answer, though still keeping his cool.

The orc laughed. Tauriel came from behind to the second orc, placing her dagger angrily at his throat, almost cutting through his skin. 

'Who is your master?', she asked.

The orc made some growling, angry noises. 

'We are not intimidated by your she-elf dog.', the orc in front of Thranduil spoke. 'We do not answer such questions to woodland filth.'

With a sudden movement, Thranduil's swords flinched and the orc fell to the floor, dead, cut in two. He moved in front of the orc held by Tauriel, with small stains of black blood on his face and on his robe.

'Do you feel the same?', he asked, spinning his sword quickly for the blood to fall off it.

The orc did not reply, but looked rather shocked. Maldir came from behind in front of the third orc, keeping his elven sword in his hand to the ground and looking calmly at the orc.

'Who sent you here?', he asked.

 'You know nothing', the third orc replied, though visibly afraid. 'We have many masters.'

'Who sent you here?', Tauriel asked sharply, now piercing the skin of the other orc with her sharp blade.

'Khamul.', the orc growled.

Thranduil, Maldir and Tauriel looked completely taken aback. Thranduil narrowed his eyes.

'Khamul?', he asked with a velvety voice. 'One of the Nine?'

Maldir and Tauriel looked shocked.

'He is our leader. There are two more with him.', the orc said heavily, with Tauriel's dagger still pressing hard at his throat.

Thranduil signalled to Tauriel with his hand to let him go and she took away the dagger.

'Why would he send you here from Mordor? Speak.', Maldir ordered.

'I do not believe they come from Mordor, my lord', Tauriel spoke. 'They have different weapons than the ones forged in Mordor', she said, raising one of the enemy's daggers.

'Yes, you're right', Thranduil replied, now walking slowly in front of the prisoners. 'He did not send you here from Mordor, did he?'

He raised his sword again in front of the second orc.

'Speak and you will be spared.'

'No, Elf-King, you are right.', the orc growled with hatred and satisfaction on his face as he spoke, 'We came from Gundabad.'

'Gundabad?', Tauriel whispered.

Maldir frowned, now raising his sword at the other orc's neck.

'Why did they send you here? What are your master's plans? Speak now.', he demanded.

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