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'Make way for the King!', Gilros commanded to the gathered elves as Thranduil unmounted from his elk and took down Tauriel who seemed less and less conscious by the minute. Her face was now pale as wax.

'Take her to the healing room. Quickly.', Thranduil commanded the soldiers at the gate and they took Tauriel from his arms, while he followed them to the healing room.

Aldon came forward with two of his scouts, looking at a wounded Tauriel who was taken away and the King who rushed with them. Thranduil's other two generals that stayed behind, Hador and Celledrim, also watched in confusion.

'What happened?', Aldon asked, as Feren and his soldiers finally arrived inside.

'She got shot. The arrow was aimed at the King.', Feren clarified.

'Is the King wounded?', Celledrim asked quickly as Gilros joined them.

'No, he is safe.', Gilros replied. 'But I don't know if she will survive though. She threw herself in front of him and took the blow. I think it was poisoned.'

Calennor, the main healer and the most experienced, took Tauriel in and closed the door behind her. In the meantime, the rest of the army was now coming inside, but Thranduil did not want to deal with anything. He marched around the halls of the healing chambers, watching the return of his soldiers, giving short commands to the leaders and always glancing towards the door.

'My lord', he saw Feren come, with Maldir and Callon following behind him, all looking genuinely worried. 'How is Tauriel?'

'I do not know.', Thranduil replied. 'She is with Calennor.'

He gave a worried look towards the chamber and felt his patience starting to wane.

'Have all the soldiers arrived inside? Are the doors shut and guarded?', he asked.

'Yes. my lord.', Callon replied. 'They all arrived safely and the realm is well guarded.'

They all glanced again towards the healing door. Thranduil wanted to know what was going on inside, he did not care anymore about any ethics of not disturbing his healers. With a sudden move, he went inside, opening the door widely. He saw a number of healers around Tauriel and Calennor came towards him. He looked at her with fierce, piercing eyes, waiting.

'My King, we have removed the arrow and cleaned her wound, applied Athelas but she is still fading. We are trying to bring her back with healing light.'

Thranduil frowned. Behind him, he felt his generals and captains enter the room also.

'It is a different kind of poison.', Calennor explained. 'It is something truly evil and powerful that could kill any strong Eldar, making their light fade, so I believe it was deliberately aimed at you, my lord.'

He stood still for a few moments, his jawline tensing.

'Get out of the way', he ordered and advanced towards the bed, with all the other healers now stepping aside.

Tauriel's lips were white and her eyes closed, her brows slightly frowning as if in pain. Thranduil could not tell if she was conscious or not but he could feel her fea fading away, her life force weaker and weaker. He pulled a chair right next to her bed.

'By the grace of the Valar', he whispered, while placing his hand gently over her forehead, 'I am commanding all Shadow of Mordor to be cast away from your being and leave way to the Light.'

He closed his eyes and it was utterly silent around him. Memories of the darkness of Morgoth and Sauron flooded him and the rage he felt only made him feel his own fea stronger. 

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum