The fall of Dol Guldur

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Note: don't own this amazing epic and eerie Nightwish song, of course. Just as a warning, it contains some disturbing lyrics at the end. 

In the Woodland Realm, Tauriel was patrolling the surroundings of the fortress with her scouts

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In the Woodland Realm, Tauriel was patrolling the surroundings of the fortress with her scouts. A cool, peaceful breeze was in the air as the sunset was drawing near. 

'Any signs of enemies?' she heard Feren's voice in the distance, as he and a pack of scouts were coming towards her.

'No, nothing so far. Callon went to investigate further into Mirkwood and they would signal if they saw something.', she replied.

Her voice was calm but her face seemed worried and tense, looking into the distance where Mirkwood's old and thick trees were shielding them from the outside forces. 

'Then you should relax a bit', Feren told her with a friendly smile. 'Take a break and rest, send the rest of your patrol to continue. We have enough soldiers guarding the surroundings.'

'I am fine', she replied, her eyes still betraying an unsettled state of mind. 'I will continue until the dark falls.'

She continued to patrol the surroundings of the fortress, watching every distant part of the horizon and being on the guard for every suspect movement. The night came and a round, pale moon took over the dark sky. She stood outside, under the moonlight and breathing in the cool breeze, until fatigue started taking her. She let the guards continue the watch and headed towards her chamber, hoping to rest for a few hours, wondering how the battle in Dol Guldur was going.

Tauriel was now lying on her bed, without sleeping, simply enjoying the solitude of her quarter and the peace of the night. She wanted to properly protect the realm while Thranduil was gone just like she had promised him. Even though there were no signs of orcs and it seemed like the enemy was already engaged in battle at Dol Guldur, she still felt unsure, unsettled, like a feeling that something was coming. 'By tomorrow, Thranduil and his army should have finished fighting with the enemy and will return here, if all goes well.', she thought, trying to ease her anxiety. 'Nothing will happen by tomorrow. It can't. You will wake up in a few hours and then patrol again until sunrise.'  She thought to herself that the only thing that would probably happen was her missing a great battle alongside the King and his army in Dol Guldur. She tried to get rid of frustration or any worry regarding that battle and relax into a gentle sleep. 

After some time, her eyes opened gently, hearing a faint noise in the distance. It could have been her scouts or the elven soldiers guarding the kingdom. But she had the feeling it was none of them. Tauriel listened carefully the noises still very distant. Drums. War drums. Her heart started to beat faster. She got up slowly, still in the darkness of her chamber, footsteps getting louder throughout the halls until a loud knock was heard at her door before it opened. It was Tulcos, one of her scouts.

'My captain, we are being attacked. Easterlings.'

She rushed outside in the cool of the night and saw smoke in the distance of the forest and fires heading towards their fortress.

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