On the road

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This sexy picture of 'ranger' Thranduil belongs to Silver Starlight on Pinterest.

The next day, King Elessar and his Queen, Arwen, showed more of the citadel to Thranduil's delegation, as Tauriel looked in awe at the grandiose construction. She was wearing a light green dress and her hair had three braids at the back with golden thread through them - Aethin had truly outdid herself, she thought with amusement. But as the elven maid said, she had every right to look regal as the Elvenking's consort. And the golden thread in her braids couldn't complement any better her bright red hair. 

They were walking around the palace gardens. The sun was shining brightly upon the city of Minas Tirith and, perhaps in that powerful golden light, the gardens seemed even more enchanting. Tauriel had recognised here and there elven plants. Some of the statues and water fountains were also quite similar to the way elves designed them but they also had a very precise, sharp element about them.

'We are most grateful to your son, Legolas', Aragorn spoke to Thranduil, 'and of course, to Gimli, for they have helped us rebuild the citadel after the last battle. Legolas' elves from Ithilien and Gimli's dwarves from the Glittering Caves have truly restored the glory of Minas Tirith.'

'It was amazing to see elves and dwarves working together again. It was something that did not happen in almost two Ages.', Arwen spoke with a smile, turning her head towards Tauriel. 

'Indeed. I am glad to hear of the friendship between my son and the dwarves. It has brought much healing and peace between races.', Thranduil spoke with a deep voice. 

Tauriel smiled and felt a bittersweet feeling within. Though there was no more regret, no more guilt and even the sadness had faded, there was still a vague shadow when thinking of Kili's memory. How different Thranduil was back then, condemning any closeness with the dwarves and condemning her closeness with Kili. Now that Legolas had also formed a close bond with a dwarf, he finally let go of his animosity towards them. She would have liked to keep her friendship with Kili in her life, just like Legolas had Gimli. She would have liked to visit him and share their adventures and, perhaps, see how his people in Erebor and Thranduil's elves of the Woodland Realm grew closer. Perhaps they would have fought together in the battles against Sauron. But, alas, Kili was long dead. 

'I heard you are quite a good healer.', Arwen spoke gently, looking at Tauriel and making her come back to the present.

'I think someone should stop exaggerating my talents.', she said with a cheeky smile, looking now straight at Thranduil.

He smiled back at her from the corner of his lips.

'I would like to show you something that I think you would like. If I can borrow lady Tauriel for a couple of hours?', Arwen asked with her sweet, etheric voice and a smile upon her lips, looking from Tauriel to the two kings.

'Of course. I think we are done with seeing the gardens.', Aragorn replied, turning towards the two elleths with his silver crown on his head and his kind features. 'Perhaps lord Thranduil might want to join me for a hunt this afternoon in the nearby wood? I am no match to the Woodland King, of course, but I would say I'm a good hunter and we might have some fresh game prepared for tonight. All in the elven custom.' 

'It would be my pleasure to join you for the hunt.', Thranduil replied, turning towards King Elessar.

With a warm energy and an innocent enthusiasm that made Tauriel feel at ease, Arwen took her inside the palace. They walked side by side, their dresses flowing behind them, as the men inside the large halls bowed their heads respectfully. Tauriel never felt more like a princess in the way she looked and how everyone was treating her and it was something entertaining for her. In the Woodland Realm she could be herself, she did not have to wear flowing dresses daily and did not have to act like a royal. She could still be captain, wear fighting tunics and leather pants, go out in the woods and have a laugh with the scouts, get dirty and messy and only wear perfect, luxurious attires for feasts and celebrations - if she felt like it. 

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Where stories live. Discover now