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The source/author of this picture of young Thranduil is written on the photo. Brilcrist on Deviantart.

Legolas, Callon, Maldir and Feren were joined around the table in the captain's meeting room, with a large map and a long parchment with what looked to be names written upon it. They were looking down at that list and talking when Thranduil entered the room. Suddenly, the talking stopped and all four heads turned towards him.

He was standing tall and proud by the door, with his long, red velvet robe placed over his tunic and flowing to the ground, no crown on his head, his expression stern. Callon, Maldir and Feren bowed their heads. Legolas just looked at him with an indecipherable expression.

'I heard you requested my presence', he said with a powerful, cool voice and started walking down towards their table.

'You're late.', Legolas said, scanning him. 'Where have you been?'

Thranduil ignored the question as well as the subtle physical sensations that it arose in him.

'I see you have a list there with subjects of mine. Callon, do you care to explain?'

'M-my lord.', Callon said quickly, taken by surprise. 'We have just finalised the list of the elves that will join the prince to Ithilien. We just need your approval.'

'Gilros had already looked over it and found it appropriate to what you requested.', Legolas spoke.

'Well, I will have to see that for myself.', Thranduil replied, turning his gaze again swiftly towards Legolas, taking the paper and placing it on the table in front of him.

He traced his finger upon the parchment, reading quickly the names upon it. 

'Seems appropriate. None here that I can't spare.', he spoke absently as he looked upon the long list. 'You seem to have all the people you need - carpenters, musicians, hunters, warriors, butlers...'

'They all have many talents and skills to offer. I am sure they will be the right people to follow me. Plus, they all seem very excited about the new colony.'

Thranduil glanced at him quickly then gave them back the parchment in approval.

'When will you go then?', he asked.

'I want to leave in two weeks.', Legolas replied.

Thranduil swallowed a knot. He had been prepared for such an answer for some time.

'Very well then.', he replied calmly, knowing that Callon, Maldir and Feren were quietly looking at him from the corner of their eyes. 

'I have started to gather some provisions for the road and the tools we will need once we get there.', Legolas said, looking now at Thranduil.

'The kitchen maids are already working on making lembas bread. Galion is overseeing everything.', Callon spoke, also looking now straight at Thranduil.

'I am pleased.', Thranduil said, knowing that Galion could be very competent when he wanted to. 'Is there anything else that you would need?'

Legolas looked a little taken aback. He hesitated for just a moment, then replied with a little smile:

'In fact, there is. I was wondering what you think about those plans.'

He pulled a large parchment in front of him that had drawings of what looked like elven houses built in trees such as the ones in Lorien and a map of Ithilien with their distribution, along the main springs and water sources. Thranduil touched the map, studying it carefully.

'We...the prince and us, have thought of how to establish the colony, how the houses might look like and how everything would be built.', Feren spoke carefully, pointing his finger at the drawing of the elven houses.

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA)Where stories live. Discover now