Greenwood the Great

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The first Age, in Doriath:

A golden sunrise poured over vast marble halls. There was a strange silence, though a peaceful one, as if the whole kingdom was still asleep. Someone was wandering these halls alone.

An elfling with platinum blond hair mounted on a large window frame, his curious bright eyes looking at the vast, beautiful garden outside. Even Luthien's sweet voice was now absent from it and only the sound of birds was filling the air.

'Thranduil?', a voice called.

It was a sweet voice, just like Luthien's, but it was even sweeter to him as this was the voice of his mother.

Her warm and kind face was gazing upon him as she approached and a soft hand touched his hair with gentleness.

'Sneaking around the palace again?', she asked playfully. 'You got me worried when I saw the bed was empty.'

'I wanted to see Luthien again and how she enchants the birds to sing with her.'

'She is away today, with King Thingol.', Thranduil's mother replied softly.

Little Thranduil looked at his mother with a disappointed expression.

'Come back to bed and I will sing you a song if you want.'

She extended her hand and the elfling took it, following her with a smile. They arrived in a lovely room decorated in red and gold silk, with detailed tapestry on the walls. A playful fire was casting a golden light and, on the other side, there was a fairly large bed with soft pillows - it was Thranduil's room.

The gracious elleth lifted her son onto the bed and little Thranduil watched curiously, awaiting.

'So, which song would like me to sing?', she asked joyfully.

'Tell me a story instead, nana.'

She smiled, at him, as if she knew he would change his mind, then went to the small library next to the bed and touched the books.

'Let's see. Shall I read to you the tale of the Awakening of the Elves? It's one of your favorites.'

'No.', Thranduil replied decisively 'I want to hear something new.'

She gave up on the books in the library and turned towards him, walking now to the bed and sitting next to him, her creamy-white dress falling beautifully upon the edge.

'As you know most of the Sindar journey since the Awakening, perhaps you would like to know more about the Noldor? About their great King Finwë - King's Thingol's good friend?'

Thranduil looked at her with wide, curious eyes and nodded. She took him in her arms and they rested on the soft pillows, as she told him about the High King of the Noldor and his friendship with Elwë, who would later become their King, Elu Thingol. She told him how they all went together to Valinor and came back, convincing the elves to make the Great Journey. Then, one day, Elwë went to meet with his friend, Finwë, but got lost in the woods. He was lost for centuries, and so, his friend eventually made the journey into Valinor with his kin, while Elwë met Melian and finally emerged much later on as Elu Thingol, but stayed behind with the people that had awaited for him instead of taking them across the sea. And so, Finwë left Middle-Earth forever and the two Kings never saw each other again.

'So what happened to Finwë?', Thranduil asked with curious eyes.

'We do not know. Since he left for Valinor, we Sindars have no knowledge of what goes on there.'

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