Dain's Fall

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I absolutely love this vid and kind of fits with the war and mourning themes from this chapter 

The way back from Erebor was quiet and sombre. Feren and some of the elven soldiers kept on watching Tauriel from the corners of their eyes as she rode close to the King, neither of them saying a word until they entered the city of Dale. 

The men of Dale let the elves in along with their smaller host who had battled with the dwarves. Bard came closer, watching Thranduil unmount his elk with curious eyes. Tauriel and the elven warriors also rode inside the city, now unmounting their horses around the King.

'Dain has fallen.', Thranduil spoke, looking at Bard as he came close.

Bard's expression was struck but, at the same time, carried the air of someone who had seen enough deaths and tragedies to keep his composure at such news. 

'And Erebor?', he asked with a rusty voice. 'Is it safe?'

'Yes.', Thranduil replied with a deep voice. 'Though they have suffered many losses.'

As two scouts under Aldon's command came to take away his elk to water and feed it, his eyes crossed with Tauriel's through the rushing crowd of elves and men. He could not talk to her there and then. He turned his head as if signalling her he would be there and walked towards his tent. There, Galion, as well as two of the royal hall maids, Aethin and Miriel, were lingering in front of it, carrying baskets with food, drinks and healing herbs in their hands.

'My lord', he saw Miriel approaching him cautiously, 'are you hurt?'

'No, Miriel.', he answered. 'Though I believe many of the elven and human soldiers will need you. Go and help them with whatever they need.'

Aethin and Miriel nodded and walked passed him, rushing with the baskets towards the soldiers that had just arrived. He walked inside the tent with Galion who helped take his armour off. He bathed and changed into a beautiful regal gown and placed a thick silver crown over his head. Night had fallen over Dale. He was left alone with his thoughts, wondering where Tauriel was and meaning to go look for her. He poured himself a large glass of wine first.

Her words 'love is free, Thranduil' were in his mind and were stopping him from desperately wanting to seek her. He took a few sips of his wine, feeling the sweet burning taste, hoping to intoxicate him with beautiful dreams that night. Why did she come back? The important thing at that moment was that she was there, close and safe, even if she did not want to talk to him. 

Then, he heard the soldiers guarding his tent exchanging some brief replies. He heard Tauriel's voice as she barged in, looking at him with a spark of affection he was glad to see in her eyes. He watched his guards looking inside from behind her, ready to intervene.

'It's alright', he spoke with a resonant voice. 'Leave us.'

The tent curtains closed and he was left inside only with Tauriel. They stared at each other for a few moments. Even if they had been parted for just two days, her absence felt like two decades. Her sudden and unexpected return was filling Thranduil's heart with satisfaction and he could not help from displaying a smile in the corner of his lips.

'I did not expect to see you here so soon.', he spoke with a teasing velvety voice, drinking some more wine, though his heart was both upset with her and excited. 

'I did not expect to return this soon either.', she answered, still keeping her distance from him. 

He looked at her with a cryptical mask, holding his wine cup and tilting his head with an air of indifference. 

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