Galadriel's mirror

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So I thought I would begin this chapter with a few words on how I see elven customs and elven monarchy based on Tolkien's writings. First of all, based on Tolkien's universe, I see elven monarchy to be different from human monarchy. The elves have an inherently good nature and they only marry for love, therefore I don't think Tauriel would ever be accused of marrying for the sake of getting power because elves would not do it for power in the first place. That is their nature. This being said, I also believe that elves have a great amount of respect for their rulers/Kings. There is a natural governing hierarchy and Silvans follow Sindars as their leaders. So based on the book universe, I also won't include anyone from the kingdom going openly against the King's marriage simply because I don't see that happen in the elven world. I also can't see anyone in the kingdom make decisions other than Thranduil himself (he would however discuss important matters with a few of his trusted subjects, of course). So nobody would really go against the King's decisions regarding the realm let alone his private life. 

The only thing I would see happening would be the elves being shocked at first, of course, and then suspicious of Tauriel deserving that role as the King's wife and not having enough love for her because of her betraying her own kin (in the past) over a dwarf and also because they thought she led Legolas on and broke the prince's heart. Silvans are also not treated as inferior by Sindars in Tolkien lore but because the movies made it seem like marriage between Sindar nobles and Silvans is something unconventional, I will leave this in the story as a secondary social challenge. Oh, and in terms of the lore saying elves only love once, of course I will ignore that, otherwise we would not even have this ship sail :)

Days passed since Thranduil and Tauriel became pledged to one another in love. Thranduil was feeling a great change in his heart, as if his entire world was somehow different, as if the darkness in his heart had dissipated giving way to light and hope. War was still present but he felt more optimistic about the future and felt his fëa become even more radiant, as it used to be before the loss of his father, King Oropher, and of his late wife Ellerian. The now consummated bond with Tauriel was giving him a new strength which he had not expected. Every day felt more meaningful as he waited for her after their duties ended to come to his chamber and surrender to one another, almost like a sacred ritual which was making their fëar increase in power and their hröar increase in vitality. He could also see the effects of their union on Tauriel. She looked happier than he ever remembered seeing her and she recovered her willpower, making her again more determined to protect the realm as captain and more confident that she was able to do so. He was witnessing an unexpected truth: he and Tauriel needed each other. 

Only after a couple of blissful weeks into their secret marriage, Thranduil received a letter, unsigned and unmarked. He had a feeling from whom it was and his heart started to beat faster as he opened the carefully delivered message, tied to the leg of a travel woodland bird who stopped right by his day chamber window. 

'Ada, my path will not take me back to the Woodland Realm. I am embarking on an important mission with a few other companions and we are leaving Rivendell tomorrow. I don't know where my path will lead me but I know what we have to do. Please trust. This mission is crucial. I wish I could tell you more but I can't. I don't know when I will return, I just hope that I will. If I do, it will be the end of this war. I promise.'

Thranduil felt like the had been hit in the head with the weight of the whole world. Legolas was not coming home anytime soon as he had hoped. He was going further away and he had no clue where. How could he think of leaving for Valinor when his son was far away from his woodland home, throwing himself in the midst of war? The impulse which had been so strong only a week back was now fading to nothing. Tauriel had been right. He wasn't ready to abandon everything. 

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