"Does Karl know anything?" I asked suddenly as the thoughts of him came crashing down. He was my brother too, I had brought him in. Pulled him into this world, and dragged him down with me in this hell. Now I wish I had seen Viktor's real face. All I wanted was to have someone to confide in and he was already spiraling down. What I thought to be a saving grace was suddenly nothing but pushing a step closer to death.

"He doesn't," Cillian's expression changed and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"I care about him," I tell him straight because there was no beating around the bush. "I brought him with me. I made the decision to bring him in and he is my responsibility."

"I know," he replies. "But I can't promise you anything over him." I expected an answer from him telling me that he would take care of it but suddenly I realized that the world didn't rotate around me and those who I cared about.

"Be practical Valencia," he returned to being the stoic guy he was. All the expressions he showed me were gone now. "We are fighting Viktor and god knows who else. We can't save everyone. I can't be even sure about myself."

"Some sacrifices will have to be made in the end. I don't think he ever expected you to become like this. All he wanted was to use you to kill Demyan," his eyes turned toward Demyan.

"You need to bring your sister back home and her child too. We have no idea when Viktor could strike, they could be the first one ." Suddenly the image of Demyan and Zach killing my parents flashed through my mind. Turning around I faced him.

"Why did you kill my parents?" My question had him stand straighter. Silence fell like a blanket as I asked him this. His eyes didn't look away from mine. There was no remorse in them and it made me feel angry.

"Because they put you and my family in danger," he paused. "Do you know Viktor knew all along where were you but he couldn't make a move until you were out of that house and town? So he needed someone's help with that and your parents helped him with it. The money for your father's gambling and mother's expensive taste came right through his money also, I bet something you had missed."

"So you killed them for it." I closed my eyes and I could surely see the people who were called my parents doing so. When did they stop being human and turned into addicts? Revenge and addiction ruined my home. Flashes of childhood memories had me entrapped. What was once my home, my safe place was no longer there. Torn and disintegrated was all of it.

"No, I killed them for more. They took your form me but they were stealing my secrets and telling him. I killed them because they were caught red-handed doing so and asking money to make you run away. I made them bleed for what they shouldn't have done." He was angry but I could see he was still holding back.

"What were you planning to do with me, if I hadn't run away?" I needed to know what his game plan was.

"I wanted to bind you with me forever. I was going to keep you as my possession, make you a slave to me that you had to beg me to let you leave. All I wanted was to keep you in misery because that was how I thought how your father had kept my mother," I could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. The expression on his face told everything yet my once-broken heart couldn't believe in him fully. A broken trust was harder to mend than a broken heart.

"Viktor won't let you live at any cost, Valencia," Dimitri spoke up as I stared at Demyan.

"And why is that?" I asked turning towards him. "Because he loves Sophia," I didn't know what kind of woman she was but I was betting that she was a cunning one.

"Because he wants to claim something your father left for you." Confusion marked my face. My biological father, Ivan left something for me.

"The very reason why Viktor married you and makes you an important part of all of this," Cillian added making me curious altogether. I looked towards Demyan trying to know that did he know something but I could see that he was as confused as me.

"Remember this piece of paper," Cillian unfolded a paper. I certainly had no idea what it was. He handed over it to me. It was my marriage certificate that I had signed with Viktor. As I held it in my hands I realized that it was an original and as much as I could remember this was to be submitted in the office. This was something we had signed in private in front of a judge. There weren't any vows we had exchanged. I was covered in blood from a kill and he had told me that we were getting married.

"What is this doing with you?" It was absolutely bizarre to see it. Taking the paper from my hands he pointed to where my name was written there was surely a mistake in my name. It read Velaneria but my name was Valencia.

"What do you mean by all of this," I was stunned by what was going on. It felt like I was falling in a rabbit hole knowing nothing about it. I stared at Cillian but I already had a hunch about what he was going to say.

"Looks like you never got married, Sis," he smiled before tearing off the certificate to shreds while I just stood there baffled.

Suddenly all the past seemed unreal, everything felt like a lie. I couldn't grasp everything. Lies that was all I had. All my life was built on them.

I needed to be alone, I needed my space. I opened the door to walk out of there to the place I know where my room was.

I needed more time to process this than any other thing. Betrayal and lies, that was it all about.

"Don't leave just because it's hurting too much," Demyan stopped me with his hand on my wrist while mine was at the doorknob. I no longer knew who was who. Who was the villain in my story and who was the hero, suddenly it felt like there were never one. In the end, we were just humans with our desires running us.

What do you think Ivan left her that Viktor wants more?

 And the end of a marriage like this?

 Do you think Viktor had something else in his hands?

Her Revengeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن