The whole night 2.

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I woke up with a pain in my head . Normally I wouldn't remember a thing because of my massive consumption, but I remember everything .
Probably because of Charlie .
I did such a horrible thing to him and still as I open my eyes slowly , there is a blanket on top of me . I know I didn't put it there , so it must have been him.
And this made me feel even more guilty.
Especially because I know he didn't do it to make me feel bad . He just did it because he's Charlie and nothing else . Because he's the most wonderful person on this world and because nothing else .
And I am a complete jackass .
I groaned and rubbed over my forehead . I sat up but I regretted it as soon as I did .
Please don't throw up .
Please don't throw up.
Breath Nick . Breath . Don't be an idiot . Stay calm.
I needed a second but then I was able to stand up .
Woah !
Okay .
Balance is the key .
Cmon Nick , you play rugby . Get it together , now.

I stumbled towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out the water and poured me in a glass . As I turned around Charlie was standing in the door . He cleared his throat.
"Hi ."
He leaned his head to the side and I could basically feel his eyes wander over me .
I answer quietly .
"How do you feel ?"
"Like a piece of shit ."
Charlie started to laugh and made his way towards the sink .
"Because you are one ?"
I know that it wasn't meant as an insult, way more as a joke . I could see it because of the grin on his face .
He looked like he just made the best joke in his life .
"I am."
Charlie's grin fell .
"I didn't mean it that way . It was meant as a joke !"
I sighed , not daring to look in the eyes of my love , who was already apologizing even though he did nothing wrong .
"Char , I know .
But I was a piece of shut yesterday. It's not just what I did , it's the way I wanted you to forgive me ."
Something in my head needed to be messed up , to think Charlie should forgive me .
"I do forgive you ! I was just overreacting ."
"No you were not ! Charlie , love , I did something wrong . I stayed out all night and didn't even call.
It was my mistake , not yours !"
He sighed and looked away .
"How about I make it up to you and make your favorite breakfast ?"
I know that this isn't enough but it is a start . And something inside off me filled with proud as Charlie nodded .

The old Charlie wouldn't even have eaten something for breakfast but now ... now he sometimes even enjoys it .
"Then please sit down sir , your breakfast will arrive in 15 minutes ."
I pull the chair from our kitchen table back , so Charlie can sit down . He started to laugh but let himself fall onto the chair .

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