Life and Death 1.

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The death and the life have been friends since they existed, which is way longer then any of them can remember but being the only thing existing , who stays forever made them grew closer every time they met.

"Go away."
The death was trying to push the puppy away from him, without touching him but the little guy was way to desperate to play with his new found friend. The rather young dog was trying to get towards the death, who was scurrying away from him as fast as possible.
"Don't touch me! It's not your time yet, go !"
Again the puppy just turned around and ran straight back to the black tall figure, who tried to push him away.

"Char , didn't we talk about this ?"
Life was leaning , smiling sadly , against a three not far away. Death sighed.
"Nick, look at him. Can't you ... I don't know fix him?"
Life sighed, coming closer to his friends and laying his hand on the other ones shoulder.

Deaths POV:
The hand on my shoulder made me shudder. Something life seemed to not realize was, that he was the only one being able to touch me without dropping dead.
"You need to let him go."
Nick looked down at the puppy, who sat right in from of our feet.
"He needs to go, Char. He can't be happy here, his body can't take his soul anymore. It's time for him to take the next step."
My eyes swelled in tears but I knew that Nick was right. I kneeled down, letting out a sob as the little puppy started to wiggle his tail as if he was getting petted by me and not killed.

"I'm sorry, little man."
I whispered as my fingers touched him. It took only a few seconds until his body dropped to the ground, separating from his ghost. With a flick of my finger a portal opened and the puppy didn't hesitated to go. He stopped just a second to look at me , before he ran through it.

I sighed in relief . I can't even count the times I needed to convince people to go trough. Some were ready to die but not to leave. So sometimes I just sat with them , waited for them to be ready but he was ready. A single teardrop rolled over my cheek as I closed it again.
"You want a hug?"
I winced as Nick wrapped his arms around me. He wasn't aware but for me, his hugs were the only contact I could have. Life couldn't win against death and death couldn't win against life, so we could touch. I sobbed into his chest, crying my heard out.
"I'm so sorry Char. Playing your part seems to be a lot harder than mine."
I could feel his fingers run through my hair. It made me feel alive, something I normally never feel.
I sighed stepping back and forced myself to feel death again.
"It's fine. Life must end sometimes."
"No it's not fine. It's not fair !"
Nick seemed to be genuinely affected by all of this, making me in a strange way mad.
"If you're so sorry , we could always switch you know ?"
He looked at me confused.
"You want that huh, you want to kill people?"
I laughed but Nick just furrowed his eyebrows.

"For you? I would burn this world down if needed."
He held his hand towards me. Warmth was radiating from it . All around his head were flowers, animals were coming to look at him.
"It's alright Char."
He smiled at me.
"I can take the burden.
Let's switch."

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