Chapter seventy-six - The End

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We all turned around and saw Gally standing in front of us. 'Gally?' Thomas carefully walked over to Gally, but Teresa stopped him.

'Don't. He's been stung.' She said.

Teresa was right. Gally's eyes were black and he looked like Ben. My breathing hitched when I saw a gun in his hands.

'We can't leave.' Gally let out a cry.

'We did. Gally, we're free.' Thomas looked at Gally.

'Free? You think we're free out there?'

Scared of what was going to happen I felt Chuck grab my hand. I gave him a small smile and we took a few steps away from Gally.

'No, there's no escape from this place.'

'Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight.' Thomas told Gally. 'Now, we can help you. Just put down the gun.'

'I belong to the maze.' Gally cried.

My heart started beating faster and I hope so badly Gally would drop the gun.

'Just put down the gun.' Thomas repeated.

'We all do.'

Everything happened very fast since that moment. Minho threw his spear right into Gally's chest, Chuck let out a scream and jumped in front of Thomas. Gally gasped a few times and fell onto his knees. Slowly he let himself fall.

'Nor...' Chuck gasped.

I looked next to me and saw Chuck staring at his chest. A red color started to stain his shirt. Gally had shot him.

'Chuck.' I grabbed his body and carefully laid him on my lap. 'Shit, shit, shit.' I muttered. 'We're gonna get help. Okay, Chuck?'

'Nora...' Chuck grabbed the figure he made for his parents.

'No, Chuck. You're gonna give it to them yourself, okay? We're gonna get out of here.'

'Nor.' Chuck winced. 'Take it, please.'

With tears in my eyes, I took the figure out of his hand. 'Just stay awake. We're gonna get you help. Hang on, Chuck.' I panicked as my eyes started to get even more watery.

'It's okay.' Chuck looked at me. 'Th-thank you, Nora.' He gasped for air. 'For everything.'

'No, no, no, Chuck. Stay awake, please. You can do it.' I cried.

I couldn't lose Chuck. He was the only family I had left. He was my cousin but felt like a brother.

'Just stay awake, Chuck. Please, stay awake. Please.' I let all the tears fall.

Chuck exhaled and stopped moving. 'Chuck?' I quietly asked.

No response.

'Chuck?' I shook his shoulder lightly, but again, he didn't respond. 'No, no, no. Chuck.'

Just like that, it felt like my whole world fell apart, into a dark abyss. The one family member I had left, was gone. He was just a kid. So kind and caring. He didn't deserve to die.

'Chuck, please.' I let out a sob. 'Shit!' I cried. 'Get up, Chuck! Come on!' I yelled.

I just couldn't believe it. Chuck couldn't be dead.

'Nora.' Someone behind me said.

'Chuck! Damnit!' I let out a scream. 'Come on, Chuck! Please...' I put my head on Chuck's chest and let everything out. All the tears that had been forming in my eyes. All the emotions. 'Shit!' I yelled again. 'No, no, no. Chuck, get up. Damnit!'

Someone roughly grabbed my shoulders but I resisted. 'Chuck!' I held onto his body. 'God damnit!' I screamed again. Chuck was so important to me and now he was just... gone.

'Don't touch her!' Someone screamed when a person grabbed me again.

'Chuck!' I screamed again, not even caring what was happening around me. I only cared about Chuck. I wasn't going to leave him.

'Let go of me!' I screamed and started kicking with my feet, trying to get to Chuck. 'You can't just leave him here! Let go!' The person kept dragging me.

With tears streaming down my face I looked at Chuck's lifeless, chubby body. He just lay there. He didn't deserve it. None of it.

'Stop!' I yelled. 'Chuck!'

The person kept dragging me through the hallway. My eyes got blinded when we arrived outside. The sun was so bright, I had to get used to it. The heat also wasn't normal. The only thing I saw was sand around me. One last time I looked at Chuck before I got pushed into a helicopter.

'Nora.' Newt pulled me closer to him.

'Chuck- he...'

'I know, love. I know. It's okay. We're safe.' Newt gently rubbed my back.

'It's not okay.' I sobbed. 'Chuck-' Before I could finish, the helicopter started flying. 'I need to go to Chuck.' I panicked. 'I can't leave him there.'

Instead of helping, Newt held me in his arms even tighter, so I couldn't escape. 'We're out, Nora. Okay? We're safe now.'

'No, no, no.' I cried and wet Newt's shirt with my tears.

Something inside me broke. Something missed. And I realized it was Chuck. I felt like I couldn't live without Chuck. Still, with watery eyes, I looked around in the helicopter. I recognized Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Logan, and Winston. That was it. Only eight out of dozens survived.

'You guys all right?' A man pulled off his mask and looked at us. 'Don't worry. You're safe now.'

Slowly I closed my eyes. 'I love you, Nora.' Newt whispered.

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