Chapter fourteen - Memory

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After treating Logan I got some dinner. I thanked Frypan and looked at all the tables. Newt and Minho were nowhere to be seen, and I didn't see Gally either. My eye caught Logan sitting at a table on his own, so I walked over to him.

'Can I join you?' I asked as he looked up.

'Sure.' He smiled and I sat across from him.

'How's your hand doing?' I asked before taking a bite of my food.

'It's alright. Little painful, but I can live with it.' Logan looked at his hand and started eating too.

'How long have you been here?' I started asking Logan a few questions, so I got to know him better.

'Not the longest. I think for about a year or so.' He replied. 'And you? Excited for the new Greenie? It'll be Greenie day in a week.'

'Yeah. I hope people will finally stop calling me Greenie.' I laughed. 'I hope it's another girl though.'

Logan let out a chuckle and we both ate our dinner.

'How did you become a Runner?' I asked Logan after a few seconds of silence.

'I wasn't good at the other jobs and I almost turned out to be a Slopper, until I asked Minho to give me a training. Eventually he said yes and I was good enough to be a Runner. That's basically it.' Logan shrugged.

'And did you ever see a Griever?'

'Nope. Minho did tell me what they look like though.' Logan replied.

'You're nice to talk to, Logan.' I smiled a little and looked at the empty seats next to us. 'Who do you usually hang out with?'

Logan hesitated for a while and then answered. 'No one.' He sighed.

'Why not?' I asked, surprised.

'Guess they don't like me that much.' Logan shrugged and didn't seem to like the subject.

'I can confirm you're very likeable.' I said. 'I should tell 'em that.'

'Whatever you say.' Logan sighed. 'But I don't think that's gonna change their mind. He's making it very obvious he doesn't like me.' Logan looked at someone behind me and I turned around.

Newt was staring at Logan with his jaw clenched, but when he saw me looking he quickly looked at Minho.

'He shouldn't judge you like that. He probably doesn't even know you.' I looked and Logan again.

'He definitely knows me. And I know why he doesn't like me.' Logan confirmed. 'But I don't think that's the reason why he's looking at me like that right now.'

'What do you mean?' I frowned.

'I think he doesn't like the fact that I hang out with you, or you hang out with me.' Logan replied.

'He shouldn't be bothered. I can decide who I hang out with for myself.' I mocked.

'Whatever you say.' Logan sighed and got up. 'I'm gonna head off to the Homestead. I'll see you later.' Logan smiled and walked away.

It was nice to talk to Logan. Somehow he seemed different than the others, but I didn't know why I thought that. After a while I got up and walked over to Minho and Newt, who were still sitting at their table.

'Hey.' Both of them looked up when I greeted them. 'Can I join?' I asked, to make sure they agreed to me sitting down.

'Yeah, of course.' Minho moved to the side a little so I could sit down.

The three of us stayed in silence. Minho just ate his food and Newt stared at the table.

'What's going on?' I asked after a few more seconds of silence.

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