Chapter seventy-four - The Cliff

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Newt ran next to me, Logan in front of me. Minho and Thomas lead the way through the maze to section seven. We managed to get about thirteen people with us. The rest was either with Gally or already killed the previous night.

'Keep it up! We're almost there!' Thomas shouted once the red seven on the wall appeared.

After a few minutes, we stopped running and waited by the corner of the Cliff. Thomas turned his head and let out a sigh.

'Is it a Griever?' Chuck asked with a shaky voice once Thomas turned to us again. I felt so bad for Chuck. He must've been so scared when the Grievers attacked and when they tried to kill him.

'Yeah.' Thomas sighed.

'Shit.' Some people muttered.

'You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us.' Thomas handed Chuck the key. Frightened Chuck looked at it.

'It's okay. Just stick with me.' Teresa said as she tied her hair up in a ponytail. Chuck nodded.

Out of a sudden, Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the small crowd.
'Go with Chuck and Teresa.' He ordered.

'What? No!' I quietly responded. 'I'm not leaving you alone.'

'Nothing is going to happen to me. I need you to stay safe, you hear me? Stay with Chuck and wait for our sign. Don't do anything else.' Newt paused. 'Please, Nora, just listen for once.'

I thought for a few seconds. 'Fine.' I finally said.

Newt hugged me tightly and I didn't hesitate to hug back. He had to make it. And he was going to.

'Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together... we get through this. We get out now... or we die trying.' Thomas said. 'Ready?'
Some of us nodded, and others just looked scared.
'All right. Let's go!'

Everyone started running and for once I listened to Newt and stayed behind with Chuck and Teresa. I couldn't do much else than watch them fight a Griever. I didn't take my eyes off Newt and planned that if he got hurt, I'd help him immediately. He stabbed the Griever with his pole a few times and seemed to do okay.

'Look out!' Thomas screamed. The Griever's tail flew through the air, smashing the key out of Chuck's hands.

'No!' Chuck ran over to the key, which was falling off the edge. He bend down and lay there for a few seconds. Quickly I ran over to him and grabbed his feet. Chuck let out a scream when he saw a Griever climbing on top of the cliff, just a few feet away from him.

'Come on!' Teresa screamed. We started running towards the door, through the fights. I managed to avoid getting hit, which was pretty hard, though. More Grievers had appeared and I noticed it was getting harder to fight them.

'Keep pushing!' Thomas and the others started pushing a Griever off the Cliff with their poles. Eventually, with a lot of pants and grunts, they managed to do it. Some boys were being thrown off the cliff and I realized not many people were going to survive if we didn't escape in a minute.

'Teresa! Hurry!' I shouted at her. The doors opened and we stabbed into the dark. A red dot turned green, then a screen appeared in front of us. A small virtual keyboard was on it too and there were eight stripes pictured.

'Thomas! It's a code! Eight numbers!' Teresa screamed.

Thomas muttered something under his breath. 'Hey, Minho! What's the sequence?' Thomas yelled as he kept fighting.

'What?' Minho yelled back as he bend down, trying not to get hit by the Griever in front of him.

'The sections of the maze, what's the sequence?'

'Uhm.. seven! One! Five! Two!' Minho yelled. I appreciated him for knowing the whole sequence out of his head. Teresa typed everything Minho said on the screen. 'Six! Four!'

Suddenly a Griever jumped right on top of Minho. The Keeper fell down onto the ground and tried to get the big creature off of him.

'Minho!' The boys started attacking the Griever, trying to save Minho. Minho let out some screams. 'Get off me!' Minho screamed.

Out of a sudden, Jeff let out a yell and he let himself fall on top of the Griever.

'No!' I screamed when I realized he was sacrificing himself. Again, I was too late. The Griever fell off the cliff with Jeff on top of him. I was too busy watching all the things in front of me to be sad about Jeff.

'What's the sequence? Come on!' Thomas yelled again.

'Six! Four! Eight! Three! You got it?' Minho turned his head to Teresa who nodded. The screen turned green and I thought we were done, until a heartbreaking scream rang in my ears.



A/N: Who doesn't love cliffhangers? :) Sorry this is so short.

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