Chapter twenty - Asking For A Friend

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In the morning I didn't feel like getting up, but I had to. Groaning I got out of my bed and slowly I got dressed. I put on some long pants and a long sleeved sweater. For a few seconds I looked at my wrist. It was almost completely covered in cuts, some of them fresh and others were older. You could still see some old scars, from before the Glade. It didn't look good, but I couldn't stop doing it. It became a habit, just like before the Glade.

I sighed and covered my wrist again. After getting breakfast I looked around. To my surprise Logan was sitting with Gally, Newt and Minho. I walked over to them and sat down. I gave Logan a nod.

'Hey.' Newt greeted me.

'Hi.' I started eating and didn't say much.

'Why is it so shucking hot today?' Minho sighed. He was right, it was hot outside.

After a while I finished eating and said goodbye, then walked to the med-hut.

'Hey, Nora.' Clint smiled when I walked in.

'Hey.' I said. 'It's hot in here.' I sighed and sat down on a chair.

I waited until someone came in, and after a while the door opened. Newt appeared.

'Got a cut.' He said, with his amazing accent.

'Sit down.' Jeff motioned at the chair in front of me. Newt sat down and showed me the cut on his hand. I started grabbing some stuff to clean the wound.

'I'm cleaning this place up, just like you said Nora.' Clint commented, proudly.

'Great.' I laughed a little and started treating Newt's cut.

'Hey, does anyone know where that small knife is? It's the only one we have.' Clint said. My breath hitched for a second when he mentioned the knife.

I should never have took it.

'I don't know.' I lied, nervously. Sweat dripped down my forehead, because of the heat, and I quickly wiped it away.

'Why are you wearing that sweater? It's super hot in here!' Newt said.

'What, you wanna see me in a shirt?' I tried to make a joke out of it. Newt's cheeks turned red, but he seemed to get the joke.

'Jeff, I really can't find the knife. We need to put a note in the Box.' Clint wiped some sweat of his forehead too. My heart started beating faster and my hand started to shake when he mentioned it again. I didn't want them to find out. I would be ashamed and they would think I was weak.

I grabbed a plaster and started putting it on Newt's hand, but my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

'Hey.' Newt laid his hand down on my shaky one and helped me put on the plaster. A warm feeling flowed trough my body at his touch again.

'Thanks.' I blushed and my hand started to get less shaky.

After a while Newt was all done. 'Thank you, love.' Newt smiled and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he called me love.

'No problem.' I smiled too and had to wipe sweat of my forehead another time.

'Okay, but seriously.' Newt looked at me. 'If you don't go wear something less thick right now, you're gonna bloody faint.'

'I'll keep that in mind.' I laughed, but knew I was never gonna put a shirt on.

'I'll see you guys later. Gotta help Alby.' Newt said goodbye and left.

'Nora.' Clint sounded serious. 'Go put on a shirt. Newt was right, you are gonna faint if you don't.'

I sighed and told them no. My head did hurt a little and I had some black dots in my vision, but I wasn't gonna wear a sweater.

'Nora, please. We don't want anyone fainting today.' Jeff said.

'Fine.' I sighed and walked to my own hut. I put on a small white shirt and looked for anything to cover my wrist with. My eye caught some bracelets on my desk and I quickly put them on. They covered my wrist completely and I was relieved. I also changed my long pants into black shorts, which I was wearing when I came up in the Box.

'Great.' Clint said when he saw me wearing different clothes. After a while Gally walked into the hut.

'Got yourself another cut, Gally?' Clint laughed a little.

'Sadly.' Gally sat down and showed Jeff his cut, who started treating it.

After a while Jeff was done and Gally got up. 'Wanna join me and Mike for lunch, Nora?' He looked at me.

'Sure.' I said goodbye to the Clint and Jeff and followed Gally outside. It was less hot and I was relieved it was. Me and Gally got some food and we joined Mike and Zart.

I noticed Logan sitting with Minho and Newt again. I felt happy for him, he finally found himself some new friends. Suddenly Newt looked at me and we made eye contact for a few seconds. After a while I quickly looked at Gally again.

'You're blushing.' Gally commented.

'I'm not.'

'You are. And you,' Gally pointed at me. 'You like Newt.'

My face turned red and I shaked my head heavily. 'I don't like him. Why would you think that?'

'I can tell you multiple reasons. It's obvious.' Gally said.

'He's right.' Mike added.

'Alright, I get it.' I quickly said. 'Don't tell him though. He doesn't like me in that way.'

'Jezus Christ, you're blind.' Gally replied.


'Nothing.' Gally smiled and I frowned.


'Hey.' It was dinner time and Logan sat down across from me.

'Hey.' I smiled. 'Did you enjoy being with Newt and Minho?'

'Yeah, it was nice.' Logan replied. 'No offense, but Newt did annoy me a little though.'

'Annoy you? What did he do?' I frowned.

'Nora is so nice, Nora is so kind, Nora is so beautiful, Nora is so caring, Nora, Nora, Nora.' Logan sighed but then he smirked. 'He likes you.'

My face immediately turned red again. 'You're lying.' I said.

'I'm not.' Logan laughed. 'Seriously! You could ask Minho.'

'I don't think he meant it like that.' I sighed and ran a hand trough my hair.

'Trust me, he does. You're oblivious. Both of you.'

After a few minutes Minho sat down too.

'Greenie?' He asked.

'Yeah?' I looked up and saw a small grin on Minho's face.

'Who do you like the most in the Glade?' Minho asked. 'I'm asking for a friend!' He quickly added.

I frowned and looked at Logan. He gave me a 'tell him' look and I turned to Minho again.

'Don't answer. I already know enough.' Minho seemed a little disappointed and he gave Logan a dirty glance. 'Bye.'

I frowned and looked at Logan. 'I don't understand anything about what just happened.' I shook my head.

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