Chapter sixteen - Worshippers

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Me and the other Med-jacks walked out of the med-hut. After the three of us got some food I joined Newt and Minho.

'Hi.' I greeted the two boys and sat down.

'Hey. You okay?' Minho asked me.

'Yes.' I nodded and started eating. Slowly I found myself thinking about the memories again.

Who are these kids? Thomas and Teresa? What kind of project were they working on? Does Newt really have a sister?

Question flew in my mind and they didn't stop.

Do I have a cousin? Where is he now? Is he gonna come in the Glade too? Where's Newt's sister? Why was I the only girl? Why were Thomas and Teresa separated from us?

Someone snapped his fingers and I looked up. A very concerned Newt looked at me.

'You sure you're okay?' He asked with a worried tone.

'Yeah.' I nodded and started eating again.

Were the other Gladers in that building too? What was that building? Why was I there? Why did my parents brought me and my cousin there?

After a while I really couldn't stop thinking about it. I needed to let the thoughts go away, but I couldn't.

'I'm gonna go.' I quickly got up from the table and ran to my hut, not caring about how confused Minho and Newt were.

When I got in my hut I took a deep breath. Images of my memories still flashed in my mind and I couldn't stop them. Suddenly I saw a blurred image of a younger me, cutting myself. I remember that I felt relieved and that I made all my emotions go away.

Without even realizing what I was doing I ran to the med-hut and grabbed a small operation knife. I wasn't thinking straight and before even doing that I had already made a cut. I did it again, but this time slower. It stung and burned, but I liked the feeling. Slowly all the memories and thoughts drifted away and I took a deep breath, before putting the knife back on the table.

For a second I didn't do anything, just stare at my wrist. But then I realized what I had done. My wrist was covered in blood and there were some deep cuts.

As quick, but quiet, as possible I cleaned the wounds and bandages them up. I promised myself to not do it again.


The next morning I put on Newt's long sleeved sweater and I got myself some breakfast.

'Thank you.' I smiled at Frypan and he gave me a nod. With a plate in my hands I walked over to Minho. Logan was nowhere to be seen, so I guess he wasn't awake yet.

'Morning.' I sat down and greeted Minho.

'Hey, Newbie.' He replied.

I saw Newt limping over to us, and I wondered how he got the limp. He never says anything about it. Clint and Jeff did say that someone broke their leg once, maybe it was Newt? They never said what happened though.. they said they didn't know what happened. Should I ask Newt? Maybe it's a sensitive subject, because he never talk about it.

'Morning.' Newt ran a hand trough his sandy hair and sat down.

'Hey.' I smiled lightly and continued eating.

Eventually I found myself staring at Newt. I admired his blonde locks and beautiful brown eyes. And I admired kindness and caring.

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