Chapter sixty-seven - The Nightmare

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'Tomorrow will be the day.' Thirteen-year-old Thomas said. 'The Maze Trials will start. Alby is first. George after. Gally, Minho, and then Newt.'

My breathing hitched when Thomas mentioned Newt. In four months I would lose Newt, for who knows how long.

'It'll be okay.' Newt grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 'Eventually, you'll see us again. Chuck will stay with you, okay?'

I nodded slowly but tears formed in my eyes. 'It's okay. I'm not leaving yet, love.' Newt wrapped his arms around me. Firmly I hugged him back until a doctor appeared.

'Boys, come with me. We're doing some tests.' The man motioned for my friends to come with him and they quickly obeyed.


It was time for our last goodbye. Newt would go into the maze in a few hours and we didn't have much time left.

'Be careful.' I whispered though I knew he wouldn't remember it. He wouldn't remember me. He wouldn't remember his sister. Nothing. Just his name.

'I will.' Newt promised. 'You too. Just listen to what they say and don't get yourself into problems, okay? Stay with Chuck.' He cupped my face as I slowly nodded.

We hugged again, a really long one. Longer than the ones we ever had before. Newt held me tight like he wasn't going to let go. But eventually, he had to. One last time I breathed in his smell and inspected his features. His beautiful brown eyes, the blonde, messy hair, and of course, the accent. I knew I would be able to watch him on cameras, but it wouldn't be the same.

'Take care.'


Five months later I sat in the observation room on my own. I felt empty. All my friends, except for Thomas, Teresa, and Chuck, were gone. I couldn't talk to them and they couldn't see me. The only thing I could do was watch them and it felt horrible. I felt like a creep. A bad friend. A betrayer.

Alby took lead in the Glade. Some boys including Minho and Newt started running in the maze every day. Every night I zoomed in to the Homestead, just to watch Newt wake up from a nightmare, screaming. It happened every night. I wanted to comfort him so badly, but I couldn't. I had no choice but to watch the horrible sights.

Until one day, Newt woke up early. Earlier than he normally did. He never woke up early. Minho always had to drag him out of bed. I watched the screens and saw Newt writing something on a note. He put it in someone's backpack, one that I recognized as Minho's. Closely I watched Newt running into the maze on his own. After at least half an hour, Newt stopped. He had ran far away from the Glade.

Newt looked at the tall wall in front of him. The ivy on there was all the way to the top. Newt dropped his backpack on the ground and started climbing the wall.

'What?' I muttered to myself. Why the hell would Newt start climbing the wall? What if he fell? 'Newt!' I got closer to the screen. I knew Newt would never hear me, but I could try.

Newt never stopped climbing until he was on top of the tall wall. He looked down to the ground.

'No...' I realized what he was doing. 'Newt! Stop!' I cried and started banging on the screen. Of course, Newt didn't hear me. I saw him hesitate for a few seconds. 'Stop, Newt! Please!' Tears formed in my eyes as I realized he was going to jump off the wall. 'No!' I cried again. 'You can't do this!'


I didn't notice the door behind me open. 'Newt!' I let the tears stream down my face. Newt couldn't die. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Never.
'Stop!' I banged on the screen again. Just when Newt jumped off the wall, someone grabbed my shoulders and dragged me out of the room.

I was kicking, screaming, and crying. I needed to know if Newt was still alive and what happened. I couldn't lose Newt. Anger and sadness rose in my chest.
How dare these people do this to us? I thought.

The guard dragged me all the way to a room, I was never in before, but I did recognize it, though I couldn't remember from what. With my vision blurred because of the tears, I was pushed down on a chair. Without even noticing what was happening I got tied to the chair.

'Calm down, Nora.' A woman with blonde hair, dressed in white, appeared in front of me. She kept holding eye contact as she wiped the tears off my cheeks with a tissue. It didn't work, though. The tears never stopped coming.

The woman walked out of the room and I was left alone. Broken I sat there, thinking about Newt. The way he always comforted me and cared about me. The way I cared about him, since the moment I met him.

Suddenly a big, white door opened. I expected a guard or doctor to walk in, but I wasn't right. Something big appeared in the door frame. Something slimy, a weird creature. Then I realized where I knew the room from. It was the room Minho was punished when I had to watch. In a panic, I tried to escape the chair, but my hands and feet were tied tightly. The creature moved closer to me and I started screaming again.

'N-no.' I muttered. The creature had silver spikes on his back and the way it looked at me was just... horrifying. 'Help!' I yelled at no one in particular. Just anyone near the room, hoping they might hear me. What did I do to deserve this punishment? I wondered.

The creature only got closer to me and opened its mouth. A weird, horrible smell came out of it and I let out a cry. 'No, no!' I screamed and tried to back away from the thing.

I heard a few blurred voices around me but they formed no clear words or sentences.

'No! You can't do this!' Tears streamed down my face. 'Please!' Another blurred voice, but I couldn't hear it clearly.

'No!' The creature was just inches away from me. 'N-no! Please don't do this! No!' I sobbed and started resisting, trying to escape out of the chair. My body moved uncontrollably, like someone was shaking me. 'No!' I screamed again when I felt the cold breeze of the creature on my face. I squeezed my eyes shut and fell into a deep, dark abyss.


'Nora, love. Calm down.' The familiar accent said.


A/N: Sorry that all these chapters are so sad or upsetting. Is there anything you would like me to write, to cheer everything up a little? :)

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