Chapter four - New Friends

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'Hey, I'm Zart.' The blonde boy with a blue shirt greeted me.

'I'm Nora.' I gave him a nervous smile.

'We'll just start off simple. You can pluck some fruits, use this basket.' He handed me a basket and motioned at the plants.

I nodded and started working.


'How's it going?' I turned around and saw Newt walked over to me.

'Good, I think.' I wiped some sweat of my forehead.

'Frypan asked me to get you, he's gonna make dinner. Right there's the kitchen.' Newt pointed at the kitchen. 'I'll see if you can cook at dinner.' Newt chuckled. 'Well, I'm gonna talk to Zart for a moment, seeing if you're good at gardenin'. See ya.' Newt walked over to Zart.

I put my basket down and headed for the kitchen, that Newt had motioned for.

'Nora, over here!' Frypan shouted. I quickly walked over to him. 'We're gonna make these Shanks some soup today. Just go cut the vegetables.' Frypan gave me a plate full of vegetables and a knife.

I obeyed and started cutting the food.

'Alright,' Frypan said once I was done. 'I have some boiling water in this pan, so you can put 'em in here.' He motioned at the vegetables.


The food was done and I enjoyed cooking, but it wasn't really my thing. Everything was a little boring and I was wondering which job would fit me the most.

'This actually tastes quite good, Greenie.' Minho complimented me as he took some sips of his soup.

'How'd go today?' Newt looked at me.

'Alright, I guess. I just don't really like the jobs that I already did. I guess I'll see which one fits me tomorrow.' I shrugged.

'Builders and Med-jacks are the last thing you need to try tomorrow. I hope you like 'em.' Newt smiled.

I started eating my food too.


'Are you already going to sleep?' Newt asked me after dinner.

'No, I think I'm going on a walk if you're okay with that.' I got up from the table.

'Yeah, sure. Guess I'll see you tomorrow then.' Newt said goodbye and walked to the Homestead, while I headed to the small forest.

I enjoyed walking in the forest. The nature all just made it less.. frustrating. I mean, the Glade was fine, but I wondered what my life looked like before the Glade. My parents, family, and friends. It was not like I didn't like te boys in the Glade, because I did like some of them, but I just didn't fully trust them, and having no memories didn't really seem to help. I did have some dreams, but those were most likely not my memories, are they?

After a while I walked back to Newt's hut and fell asleep.


'The first part of the day you'll be going with Gally, the keeper of the Builders. The other part with the Med-jacks.' Newt explained at breakfast the next day.

I nodded and took the last bite of my toast.

'Greenie.' I suddenly heard behind me. I turned around and saw a boy with very short, dark blonde hair. His eyebrows curved in a weird way. 'I'm Gally, keeper of the Builders.' He said, almost proud. 'Let's go.' He motioned for me to come with him.

𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 - Maze Runner, NewtKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat