The end

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It's been a while sense me and nam-ra ran off from the group. We thought i'd be better for them. We didn't realize how much it would also suck for us. I miss jin so much it hurts. We go to the high school roof every night lighting a fire in hopes where ever they are they'll see it and come. Nam-ra is convinced our conversation in the woods with on-jo would stick with her.

"I really wanna do that again in the future. That was my first time sitting around a fire with friends. We'll be able to do that again, right?" Nam-ra asked

"Let's do it again tonight" on-jo smiled

"Yeah, whenever we want we can always sit by the fire" i smiled at nam-ra who smiled back

"They'll come one of these nights y/n.. on-jo will see the fire and know it's us.. im sure of it" nam-ra said starting the fire. "And wu-jin and su-hyeok will be with her"

"Well looks like it wont be tonight.. come on, let's get back.." i looked out sadly, wishing one of these nights she'll be right

Wu-jin pov:

Just outside the safe zone we dedicated a tree to everyone we lost. I was hanging a ribbon off a branch for Y/n when i heard footsteps.

"How long have you been out here?" On-jo asked gently

"A while." I sighed

She looked over the tree and smiled at the ribbon i just hung up. "I miss them.."

"Yeah.. me too, everyday. She's all I think about" i looked down trying to hide the tears filling up my eyes

"I'm sure she thinks about you too, and misses you just as much. She really loves you, you know." On-jo smiled

"I really love her too" i said looking back up

It was silent for a few moments, then we both turned to go back but something caught on-jo's eyes "ya! Do you see that?" She asked pointing

"What? That light out there? Isn't that the.."

"The high school. It's them! It has to be" on-jo said excitedly

"How are you sure?" I questioned

"The conversation in the woods after the bomb remember?" She asked

"Could be anything though. We don't know for sure it's them.. let's go back before we get caught" i sighed and started walking back

The next morning on-jo found me and asked to talk away from people

"Whats going on?" I asked once we were alone

"I'm going to go back tonight. To see if it was them.. are you in?" She asked me

"I don't know on-jo, we don't know for sure it was them.. what if it wasnt? And it was just some random light?" I questioned

"I know it was them. I just know it. Plus if there was a chance it was y/n , don't you want to see her again?" She looked at me "but we can't tell anyone else, we dont want a group to go and get caught"

"If we go, we have to tell su-hyeok.. if it is them then he'd want to see nam-ra. He loves her just as much as i love y/n.." i replied back

On-jo nodded and smiled "okay, i'll find him and tell him. Meet me and dark by the back wall" she turned to walk away

"I hope you're right on-jo, i hope it is them.." i called out as she walked away..

Night was fast approaching, as I was getting ready dae-su came in singing

"Whatcha doing brother-in-law?" He questioned seeing my put my jacket on

"Just going for a walk.. to clear my head" i reliped

"Oh! Let me come!" Dae-su begged

"I just want to be alone dae-su.. I need to think" i tried to convince him

"All you do is think! What you need is to spend time with me!" He smiled "im coming, even if you don't want me to"

I had no choice but to tell him what I was actually doing, he left to get his coat and hat.. he said he'd meet me by the wall. But when I got there, it wasn't just dae-su who was sitting around waiting. Everyone but on-jo and su-hyeok was ready to go and waiting. On-jo's not going to like this..

Y/n pov:

"Another night another fire. Think they'll come tonight?" I asked nam-ra getting the fire ready

She smiled "i have hope if not tonight then soon." She nodded

"What do you plan on saying once we see them? Once you see him?" I questioned her

"I'm not sure.. I haven't thought about that. What about you?" She nudged my shoulder

"Hi?" I laughed making her laugh too "i'm actually not sure. I don't even know if they can see this fire or if they'd even be able to come.. but i'd tell wu-jin that i've missed him so much, and that I love him"

"I smell people.." nam-ra sniffs the air making me do the same

We could see the group walk out onto the rooftop of the school and gather around our fire all shooting off ideas of who could have lit it. That's when we stepped out from the darkness.

"You made it" nam-ra says and the group slowly turns to look at us.


"Miss us? We missed you guys" i said smiling at them

"Are we still your friends?" Nam-ra smiles "it's nice.."

"Are you guys okay?" Dae-su questions as wu-jin steps out from behind him

"Jin!" I yelled and ran into his arms

"Missed me?" He lifted my chin with his finger

"You have no idea.." i leaned in and kissed him.. it felt like we haven't done that in forever.

When we pulled away i looked into his beautiful eyes, "i love you wu-jin.."

He smiled and winked at me "i love you too Y/n" and wrapped his arms around me.

"We wanted to go see you, but we didn't think we should." Nam-ra says

"No, it's okay. Let's go. Come with us." On-jo looks from me to nam-ra with pleading eyes.

I break away from wujin even though every part of my body burns doing so. "We still have things that we have to do." I said looking into each of their faces.

"What things?" On-jo and wu-jin ask

"There are others.." i started

"Like us. Some of them ran away from the school a while ago." Nam-ra finishes

"But theres still a few left." I continued

"You guy's are not zombies.. don't say that." On-jo says sadly

"You know how were not really kids, but also not quite adults yet, either? Thats like us." Nam-ra says taking a hold of my hand and smiling "were neither human.. nor a monster."

"Please.. stay" wu-jin begs

I look at him sadness in both of our eyes. "You know we can't yet wu-jin.. i'll always be with you though. Just not physically.. at least.. not right now."

Nam-ra looks over her shoulder and sighs "they're here. We have to go.."

"See you, okay?" Nam-ra turns to the group and smiles before running and jumping off the roof to met the others.

I looked at them for a second.. "we'll see you guys again.. i promise.. take care of each other okay?" I looked at wu-jin and smiled "i love you jin.." then i blew him a kiss and jumped to meet nam-ra

"I love you too y/n.."

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