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Walking out of my front door I spot On-jo and Cheong-san playing rock paper scissors. Cheong-san won but On-jo took off running and closed the elevator door in his face. I started laughing at the look on his face..

"Ya! Cheong-san!" I called out to him "Follow me, we can take the stairs and beat her down, but you gotta run fast"

He nodded and followed me down and outside the building, stopping infront of the elevator doors trying to catch our breath.

"Thanks, she's probably laughing to herself thinking she beat me down here" he turns to me

"You're welcome cheong-san. Hey, about that text last nig-" i was cut off by the doors opening

On-jo comes out of the elevator doors smiling looking at her phone.. that is until she looks up and see's us already standing in front of her. I chuckle at her disbelieving face.

"Hey! Play fair, you punk" cheong-san says to her holding out his backpack "carry it"

On-jo holds up her finger with a bandaid on it "but look at this, I got hurt making breakfast"

Cheong-san drapes his backpack over her arm, locks his arm with mine, looks back at on-jo smiling saying "lets go gopher"

Running up to the crosswalk at the school there were so many kids here waiting to cross. I usually take another way to school but sense cheong-san kidnaped me i had to go this way. I couldn't believe how many kids there were waiting.. once the sound signals we can cross cheong playfully shoulder shoves On-jo , unlocks our arms and grabs my hand

"Faster or else we'll be late y/n" he winks

"I'm running as fast as my legs will let me" i sighed already out of breath

Once we made it past the teachers realizing we were on time, we slowed down to wait for on-jo... only she got stoped and had to write her name down so we smiled at her and continued to walk..

Out of the corner of my eye i could see the bullies dragging two kids into a construction site.. something about it all seemed off so i wanted to make sure they were okay..

"Ya, cheong-san I'll catch up with you in a minute." I smile to the boy who only nodded his head and continues on

Once im close enough to hear the voices of the bullies I stand quietly behind a wall, listening before I interrupt. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I slowly turn around

"Y/n? Why are you here?" Su-hyeok asks

"I seen the bullies with two students following, I wanted to make sure they were okay" i whispered

"Okay, stay behind me" su-hyeok says

"Hey is it my fault that idiot Jin-Su went missing? Huh?" The bullies leader said questioning the kid

"Thats not it" he replies

"Then why the hell did you decide to tattle on me, you little prick" he bully shoots back "hey go ahead"

Gwinam starts to move closer to the girl who tries to back away from him but is grabbed by another bully. Gwinam grabs her shirt and rips it open, making her sit on the cold dirty floor with her shirt and bra off.. filming her... the girl covers her chest with her hands and arms.

"You perverted freak"

"You like that"

Peeking around the corner I could see what the bullies were making them do.. I felt sick, how could someone make someone else do that? And laugh about it.. i had to help them..

"Ya! You perverted bullies leave them alone" i yelled walking into the room

Su-hyeok facepalms himself because you didn't listen to what he told you.. but he walks in after you

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