Campfire confessions

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"Dae-su how was your audition?" Su-hyeok asked

"They said I have to lose weight" the boy said sadly

"Well, you're a good singer" su-hyeok smiles at him

"Dae-su! You sing? Sing us a song, i wanna hear it!" I said smiling

"You sure?" He looks over at me

"Hmm. It'll cheer us up" i smiled at him

"Let's go once it's over..Let's go anywhere ♪ ♪ Once we're done studying 12 hours a day ♪ ♪ Once the annoying sounds are over ♪ ♪ Let's go hand in hand ♪ ♪ Let's not run ♪ ♪ Let's not run ♪ ♪ Let's try walking slowly ♪ ♪ Let's try walking slowly ♪ ♪ Is that drool or sweat pooled On the book? ♪ ♪ No one notices the plop, plop ♪ ♪ No one notices the plop, plop ♪ ♪ The plop, plop ♪ ♪ The plop, plop ♪ ♪ The falling rain drops ♪ ♪ The falling rain drops ♪ ♪ What is boiling? Simmer, simmer ♪ ♪ What is boiling? Simmer, simmer ♪ ♪ It's Mom's doenjang stew ♪ ♪ It's Mom's doenjang stew ♪ ♪ Mm-hm, a bowl of instant noodles ♪ ♪ Mm-hm, a bowl of instant noodles ♪ ♪ In front of the TV Which plays nothing but static ♪ ♪ Let's go anywhere together ♪ ♪ Let's go anywhere together ♪" (i got this off google so if it's wrong, please let me know)

As we listen to dae-su sing we all close our eyes and sway along to his voice. I lay my head ontop of wujin's shoulder, just taking in how nice and peaceful his voice sounds. Shortly a few people starting singing along.

"It was such a nice song" hyo-ryung smiles

"Didn't you say it sucked?" Dae-su side eye'd her

"Well, now that I actually listened to it, i think it's kind of nice." She smiles looking at the fire

"How long? How long have you been smoking for?" On-jo looks over to nam-ra

"Since eighth grade.. i had no friends and a lot of stress back then." Nam-ra looks back at on-jo

"Did you ever need a friend?" She questioned

"I'm not really sure" nam-ra says pondering the question "i can't really tell."

"You always put up a wall. You'd wear headphones all day, and you never said anything. Wasn't it because you hated us?" On-jo asks

"I never hated you guys" nam-ra looks around at all of us "i just.. didn't have any friends"

"I never really liked you.. i thought you didn't talk to us, because we were beneath you." Hyo-ryung says truthfully

"I kind of hated you." Joon-yeong speaks up "there were times i'd wish you'd just.. disappear"

"Arn't you close? You're the top two students." Ji-min says looking at joon-yeong

"That's why I hated her.. no matter how hard i worked, I was always second. But it's okay now. I think I was able to come in second, because of nam-ra" joon-yeong looks down

"Hey, seconds good too. I can't even be 20th. Right?" Dae-su jokes to lighten the mood and highfives su-hyeok

"Hey. Don't compare yourself to joon-yeong." Hyo-ryung

"I was just saying. Why do you always get on my case whenever I say something? Wait a second, do you like me?" Dae-su looks at hyo-ryung

In return to the question hyo-ryung slaps dae-su's arm making everyone chuckle at them "shut up! You moron!" She looks away from dae-su

"I'm gonna put it out there, so you don't get hurt. I like somebody else. So don't like me." Dae-su says

She slaps his arm again "i don't like you! Im not interested in you at all!" Then she smacks him again

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