One last fight

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"HEY! All of you!"


"Come after us! Today I am.. the happiest guy at school!!" Cheong-san yells and grabs my hand running away from the zombies and bringing them to the roof

"Hey! Hey! Lets go! Come get us!" I yelled out keeping their attention.

Wujin pov:

"Come on everyone, this is it. We have to go." Mi-jin says climbing out of the window

"I can't leave her.. i can't go.." i sniffle

"Brother-in-law she'll be back.. she's a halfbie, she wont die" dae-su says pulling me to the window

"She'll be okay wujin.." ha-ri pats my shoulder

Y/n pov:

Once me and cheong-san made it to the top i grabbed a metal pole and starting hitting the zombies with it. Cheong-san did the the same.

"Y/n, look over there!" Cheong-san yelled pointing to a large hole in the ground

"Go ahead! I got any strays!" I yelled out still beating a couple zombies

Cheong-san yelled and jumped over the hole making it onto the little ledge and watching as the zombies that were chasing him fell down into the dark abyss.

"Come at me now. ALL OF YOU!!!" Cheong-san screamed at the zombies

The only noise that can be heard were the bodies of all the zombies hitting whatever metal was sticking out on their way down then each and every thud echoed the room. After the last zombie fell down I walked over and helped cheong-san land on the other side of the hole.

"Looks like that was the last of them." Cheong-san breathed out.

"Good. Let's meet up with the others." I smiled "good idea by the way." I patted his back

He smiled at me before his face dropped "do you hear that? The footsteps?"

I sniffed the air and sighed "gwinam.. back from the dead again.." i shook my head.

Cheong-san's nose started bleeding, the boy lifted a shaky hand to wipe away the blood.

"You'll be okay.. you don't smell.." i started to say

"You know, I thought it was gonna be super fun to kill you.. but not anymore. I'll kill you even if it isnt fun." Gwinam laughs

"Stop acting tough.. what do you think? You look cool? Nobody thinks that way." I looked at gwinam and took little steps toward him

"You're just scared because you'll get caught. For killing the principal. You're still a coward and a loser, who will never get the girl." Cheong-san says as he grabs some dirt in his hand before standing up behind me.. "i have nothing to fear. I'm not scared of you either."

That makes gwinam mad, so he pushes past me and towards cheong-san, but before gwinam could do anything cheong-san throws the dirt in his eyes and starts beating him with his metal pole. Then stabs an end of it into gwinams chest. Gwinam throws cheong-san to the floor, so i run up and punch him in the face and grab the pole and push it in deeper. Gwinam gunts in pain and punches me in the face and throws me hard against the wall.

Gwinam rips the pole out of his chest and tries to stab cheong-san but the boys to fast and moves out of the way. Cheong-san then kicks gwinam away from him

"Y/N get out of here! Go find the others! I'll be right behind you" cheong-san yells to me still fighting gwinam

"I can't leave you! I promised to bring you back with me!" I yelled back

"I got him! Go before the bomb goes off please. Keep on-jo safe until I return" cheong-san shoots me a pleading look

I debate for a second but follow cheong-san's wishes and run as fast as I can down the stairs and out of the construction site. Sniffing the air, i can smell the group so I follow the direction they went to.

Just as I make it a little further in the woods the bomb goes off and I can see the explosion. I cover my ears and hide behind a big tree, hoping the others are far away from the flying debris. And hoping cheong-san made it out in time.

Wujin pov:

We've been in the woods for a good few minutes before the bombs went off. We all turned around and seen the sky turn into an orange color from the fire then we seen stuff come flying at us so we all took cover.

Seeing a metal pole go flying toward my sister I run as fast as i can "HA-RI!" i pulled her away just in time for the pole to stab the ground.

"Are you okay?" I look into her eyes

She nods but then more stuff comes flying so we cover our heads and bend down.

Once everything settled down we all looked around at each other

"Is everyone okay?" Ha-ri questions

I stood up and walked a few steps toward the school.. ha-ri came over and put her hand on my shoulder "she could still be alive, you know.."

I turned to look at her "i.. i didn't say it back.. she jumped out that window and.. i didn't have time to say it back.. I love her ha-ri.. what if the bomb got her?" I could feel my eyes fill up with tears

Ha-ri just pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back "hey, shh. She's strong. I believe you'll see her again. And i'm sure she knew wu.. I'm sure she knows you love her."

We all sat down and rested for the night. Some fell asleep but some of us couldn't bring ourselves to shut our eyes. I just sat against the tree waiting for any movement in the forest, hoping for any sign Y/n and cheong-san would meet up with us..

Then i heard a twig snap...


Im so sorry for the delays, between my health and trying to get the rest of the money together for my own place i forgot to update the book! Hope you guys forgive me❤️ anyone else excited for season 2? Also do we want a happy ending or a sad one..?

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