Almost murder

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"She tried to murder us.."

Everyone gasped and looked at na-yeon with anger and hate on there faces..

"Did you really do that? You promised me you'd apologize to them." Miss park was mad at the girl she couldn't believe someone would try to do that to someone

"I did nothing wrong" na-yeon tried to defend herself

"You only think about yourself. You said to close the door before anyone could get in. You said it'd be safer for us. Thats not right." jimin spit back

"We almost died when gyeong-su let coach kang came in. Why arnt you mad at him?" Na-yeon questioned

Cheong-san overhearing the conversation walked over to the girl "that was not his fault. How was he supposed to know that was going to happen?"

"That's enough. Quiet everyone." Miss park tried to calm the situation down

"We'd be quiet if she were gone" jimin said back

"Hey" namra spoke up after being quiet for so long "i seen what you did." She looked at na-yeon

"What? What did you see?" Na-yeon stood up and closed the gap between her and namra

"What you were planning on doing" namra spoke with no emotion in her voice

"I didn't do anything to gyeong-su or Y/n" na-yeon yelled

"I didn't say anything about them, did i?" Namra shot back

After hearing that everyone's attention turned to the two girls. After already seeing the fabric with blood already on it, I zoned out. i already knew namra had seen what na-yeon had planned to do to us. I was still confused as to why na-yeon wanted to kill us.. what had we actually ever done to her?

"While we were all watching y/n and gyeong-su you were in the back alone. You wiped that blood with your handkerchief" namra said pointing to the mop we used earlier to kill the zombie stuck in the hose

"No I didn't" na-yeon tried to defend herself

I stood up and walked over beside nam-ra and pulled out the handkerchief "yes you did, look. It's right here" i held it up for everyone to see

"Thats blood" nam-ra confirmed

"I wiped the cut on my leg with it" Na-yeon lied

"This is your blood?" Nam-ra questioned

"Can't you tell" na-yeon started to get cocky

Nam-ra gently took the handkerchief from me and held it out to na-yeon "then put it on your wound" she said with a monotone voice knowing she caught na-yeon in a lie

"Fuck you. Who do you think you are? Class president?" Na-yeon spat at the girl

Nam-ra having enough slapped na-yeon. "You never treated me like a president. Wipe yourself with it, if your so confident."

Cheong-san was upset after hearing everything gone down he could have lost his best friend and the girl his best friend  likes. Feeling the emotions takes over he starts walking toward to girl "na-yeon you..." but he was held back before he could do anything

"Damn it! It wasn't me!" Na-yeon bends down and grabs the handkerchief and holds it over the cut on her leg. Not being able to make contact because she knew the blood was from a zombie

"Don't do it. Stop it." Miss park grabs her arm and pulls it away from her leg

"Let go" na-yeon tries to get out of the teachers grasp

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