Gwinam again!?

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Wujin pov:

When gyeong-su confessed to Y/n i could feel the anger inside my body. I don't know why.. we confessed to each other in the music room, she wont take it back now right? What if part of her likes him and I was the second choice? The anger must be clear on my face cause dae-su cleared his throat

"Don't worry brother-in-law she likes you. It's so obvious" dae-su tried to reassure me

"Didn't y/n confess to you wujin?" Su-hyeok looked at me making nam-ra slap his arm

"I told you that was a secret until they were ready to tell everyone else" nam-ra told su-hyeok stearnly

"Wait.. really?" Dae-su looks at me "why didn't you tell me?"

"We were gonna tell everyone before um.. before gyeong-su's confession.." i looked at him with anger

"I.. i didn't know you guys confessed to each other.. I thought I still had a chance. But don't think i'll give up. You never know what could happen.." gyeong-su looked at me smirking a little

I scoffed "you don't have a chance.. she confessed.. to me." I stare daggers into gyeong-su's eyes until nam-ra yelled

"Y/N!!!" Nam-ra yelled catching all of our attention then we suddenly looked over to where y/n was and seen gwinam smiling at her..


Looking out into the field trying to gather my thoughts i hear some banging sounds but I assumed they were just the zombies below us. I have to let gyeong-su down gently.. he's my best friend, he'd understand I have feelings for wujin right? I mean.. he wouldn't just stop being my friend over it.. suddenly the sound gets louder and i shift my glaze to where it's coming from.. seconds later a face comes into view

"Hello princess" gwinam smiled jumping onto the roof

"Did you climb all the way up here? Why are you so obsessed with us?" I questioned him

His smile fades and i see anger flash in his eyes "i want to kill cheong-san , annnnd your boyfriend.. wujin" he smirks evilly..

"Cause of your eye?" I laugh "why wujin?"

"Tsk. Because, you're my princess and no one but me can have you" he then grabs me around the throat squeezing making it hard to breath then I hear nam-ra yelling


Gwinam smirks and whispers in my ear "join my side or they all die princess"

I struggle in his grasp but I manage a word "never" then I lift my leg up and with all my strength I kick him in his stomach, making him let go and stumble back. I hear footsteps and see cheong-san running over to us

"Y/n get back!" Cheong-san yells

Gwinam notices the voice and starts charging at cheong-san

Gwinam closes the gap between him and cheong-san quickly and grabs the boy by the throat and slams his body on the ground choking the boy. Hovering his thumb over his eye and starts putting pressure on it

"Cheong-san!" Su-hyeok yells out and runs over

"Give me your eye, asshole" gwinam says determination in his voice

I run up to try and help cheong-san. I grab gwinam by the arm and try to pull him away. But it only makes him more pissed

"Princess. You bitch" he then throws me off him and i skid across the floor

"Fuck" i yelp out once my body stops sliding

"Y/n!" Wujin yells out and comes running over to me "look at me. Look.. are you okay?" Worry in his voice

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