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"Y/N NO!"

"Hey, hey.. it's okay. I know you can fight it, you're strong. But, if its too powerful it's okay. You can bite me. Then, I could be like you and stay with you forever." Wujin looked up at me

Looking down at him and looking into his eyes, i could tell he meant what he was saying.. what's crazy to me was that there was no fear in his eyes. He wasn't scared of me.. but why? I'm on top of him wanting to feed my hunger.. Shouldn't he be scared?

"Y/n.. i love you. No matter what I always will.." wujin half smiles

"No" i whisper snapping out of it and jumping off him so fast I almost lose my balance. "No" i said a bit louder.. "you shouldn't.. no. Jin.. i love you, but.. you shouldn't love me.. i'm- i'm a monster" tears spilled out even though I tried so hard to hold them back. Then i turned around and just ran.

I ran back to the bodies of the zombies we killed, i picked one and let my hunger take control again.. i sat there after I had finished eating and looked around until I found a familiar body.. su. I sat down infront of his body and held his hand

"Oh, su. Why'd you have to be stupid! I was fine. I would have been fine!" I cried out "i left the group.. I was gonna eat wu-jin. But I was strong and fought it. I don't want to be a danger to them anymore.. what if next time I can't stop myself? What if I kill one of them?.. I can't do that.. they've already been through so much.. but it hurts leaving.. i really do love wu-jin.." i sighed and wiped my tears

"Y/n...?" A soft voice spoke from behind me making me freeze

"I hope you don't mind but i'm starving.." nam-ra said as she made her way to a body.

"You ran too?" I questioned

"Mhm. The voices started around the time you were on wu-jin, it's like i was in a trance.. i wanted to bite bare-su.. i ran after you before i could and i bit myself instead" she said inbetween bites and chewing.

Wu-jin pov:

I couldn't believe it. I knew she was hungry.. i told her each time if she needed to just bite me, id be fine. I could've been like her. But she ran.. i tired to follow but she was so fast...

"Brother-In-Law it's okay, she'll come back." Dae-su patted my back

"Will she? Because she thinks she's a monster and that she'll hurt me... I don't think she is.." i sighed in frustration

"Wu, she just wants to protect you.. she wants you to live and if she lost control and actually bite you and you didn't turn out like her and nam-ra, she'd be devastated.." ha-ri tried to be reasonable..

"I'm tired of people trying to protect me. I can protect myself.. we made it this far right? I don't want to lose her.. i love her" I cried

We all stood around waiting for anyone to come back.. y/n and nam-ra ran off making bare-su and on-jo run after them. A little while later we seen two shadows walking toward us.

Bare-su and on-jo came back looking sad.. meaning the girls didn't come back with them..

"What happend?" I questioned them searching their faces

"Nam-ra tried to bite on-jo the way y/n tried to bite you.. I couldn't stop her.. i have the shovel in my hands ready but looking at her.. I couldn't do it. Y/n pulled nam-ra off and they ran together.. said it was too dangerous for them to stay with us. Told us to get to safety.. and Y/n said that she'll always love you wu-jin.." bare-su looked down sadly. I don't think I've ever seen him so sad

"If she loved me.. she would have stayed.." i let the tears flow down my face then turned and started to walk away.

We were walking for a long time when we seen soldiers aim their guns at us.. we made it.. we all put our hands up to show we wernt a threat..

All I could think about was her.. her eyes, her smile, her laugh, the way her hand feels holding mine.. the way her hair smelled good all the time. How soft she was. I thought back to our first date falling asleep to the movie, her head on my shoulder and the butterflies i had that night and everytime i was with her cause they never went away. Then it hit me that we'll be safe but she'll still be out there.. i wont see her face light up when shes happy, or the way she tilts her head back when she laughs, or her sad puppy dog eyes when shes sad.. i'll never get to hug or kiss her again. Because she left...

We've been quarantined sense we got here, then they came to get us to question us. But why should we give them anything? They took so much for us when they left us there to die then bomb us..

"Do you know the teacher Lee Byeong-chan?"

"I only took morning classes because I had training. So no, I don't." Ha-ri answered dryly

"Why? Why did you leave us there? You abandoned us." Bare-su said angrily

When they asked me questions I just looked at them, i think if looks could kill they would definitely be dead.

"If you help us with—"

"No. I won't ask adults for anything.. ever again in my life. So please, don't ask for my cooperation." On-jo said softly

3 months..

It's been 3 months sense this all started.. i'm not even sure how long it's been sense I've last seen y/n.. i feel like a zombie.. i have no interest in anything. All I do is sit here and miss her and wish she was here.

I though the zombies were a nightmare but her leaving was the true nightmare..

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