Music room

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Wujin pov:

"Wait a sec. Stop. Just.. wait. I-i cant.. this.. thats my dad's car....."

"Which one? The white one? The black one?" Joon-yeong asked

"It's this truck" jimin points at the screen letting her tears fall down.

"Hang on. I'll get closer" joon-yeong tells us

As the drone gets infront of the truck, we see two people inside clawing trying to get out.. jimins parents were infected. Sadness filled the air and joon-yeong let the drone fall. Slowly everyone was loosing hope that any help would come for us.

We all sat in silence for a while. Not knowing what to say or do. Two of our friends were gone and outside the school seemed to be the same as inside. Suddenly jimin walked over to the window, and climbed onto the edge

"Jimin!" On-jo yelled and everyone rushed over to get her down

"Let go" jimin cried out

"What's wrong with you?"

"I said let go of me! I want to die! Leave me alone!" She cried

"My mom and dad died. What am I supposed to do alone?" She cried

On-jo took jimin into the next room to talk and calm her down

After a while of them talking jimin pressed something and their voices could be heard over the speaker so nam-ra walked in a turned it off. The rest of us came in to see whats going on

"Nastyyy. Can't you people smell?" Dae-su plugged his nose

"Breath through your mouth" i helped

"I think I have a way to escape." Nam-ra spoke

We followed her out of the recording room. She grabbed a white board and drew rooms, stairs, and the location of speakers on it.

She points to a room "this is where we are. This is where cheong-san and Y/n are. If we turn on music only on this speaker, the zombies will go left. Then we'll take the stairs on the right. Get cheong-san and Y/n, and go to the roof using the center stairs" nam-ra said with determination in her voice

"Why the roof" su-hyeok asked

"Choppers keep flying around. If we light a roof fire, they might come save us." She replies back

"Speakers. Will the zombies really go towards the sound? Dae-su asked

"I think she's right. They're drawn to sound" joon-yeong said

"Can we turn on only the speakers we need?" On-jo looks to nam-ra

"Yes. The ones in the cafeteria , yard, and library too. And draw them there." She replied

"Nam-ra, you were in the broadcasting club, right?"

"Uh, yeah, my mom made me"

"That's all good and all but, where do we get music? Theres no internet so we can't stream it" dae-su brings up

Nam-ra looks over to a CD we taped on the glass and put it in the stereo. Joon-yeong and everyone went into the recording room so we could tell y/n and cheong-san to stay where they were . When nam-ra was ready for someone to talk she gave us a thumbs up.

Y/n pov:

Me and cheong-san were sitting down relaxing before trying to find a way back to the broadcasting room. Well, until a high pitched sound came through the speakers then voices followed. Me and cheong-san looked at each other and laughed

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