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"Class prez..."

We were all sitting together in a group with nam-ra in front of us.

"One. Split up." She said

Everyone looked around at each other but no one raised their hands

"Two. Stay together"

Everyones hands raised

"Okay, we voted to stay together, then." Nam-ra stated

"Is it smart to vote on life and death matters and just follow the majority? What if we collectively decide to do the wrong thing?" Dae-su states his concerns

"You know, theres such a thing as collective intelligence." Hyo-ryung says

"There are too many unintelligent people here." I said side eyeing mi-jin

"You can't make intelligence with a bunch of idiots." Dae-su also looks at mi-jin and fists bumps me

"So then what do you suggest" hyo-ryung looks at dae-su "do we vote about voting?"

"Fuck! How the hell did you kids survive up to now?" Mi-jin groaned out

"Sorry, but can you mind your own buisness? You started the fight, now were voting." Dae-su said to her

"Give me an arrow so i can stab him" she looked at ha-ri

"Ya. Knock it off" i said sternly looking at her

"Anyway, lets move on now. One, we make the outside higher."

Joon-yeong, su-hyeok, on-jo, cheong-san, dae-su and I raised our hands

"Two. We fold the lids, make a box." Nam-ra says

Mi-jin, wujin, ha-ri, hyo-ryung, gyeong-su raised their hands

"Option one received the majority votes, so make the walls high" nam-ra says

"Wait.. your vote..." Mi-jin says to her

"Option one" nam-ra answers emotionless

"Oh, shit." Mi-jin sighs

"Okay. Let's do this" i said starting to move

"Okay but don't resent me when the zombies climb over and kill us all." Mi-jin says

Annoyed joon-yeong turns around and faces her "don't worry, i'll take the front and any blame. You hold back." He walks away from her

"Oh what an asshole. Fuck." Mi-jin starts to complain "why are kids so damn rude these days?"

"And you're not?" Ha-ri looks at her friend the encounter made me snort and wujin pulled me away before i got myself into trouble again

"Come on y/n help me with this" he smirked at me

"Alright.. hey, What made you switch votes?" I questioned him

"I thought option two was safer. Any option that means less risk that something bad could happen to you.. i'm gonna take it" wujin smiled at me

"Jin.. i don't think anything can happen to me.. i'm already..."

"Don't finish that sentence.. you're fine and you're going to be fine. Okay?" He stops what he's doing and holds my hand

I just nod my head and let him lead me to what were working on. Cheong-san was looking through a bin when something caught his eye.

"Hey. Chocolate bar." Once he spoke of food everyone turned around to face him

Dae-su was quick on his feet and took the bar out of his hand "let me see.. you think we can eat it? Oh no, expired." He said sadly

"Okay, so what?" Su-hyeok questions

"Okay, yeah. You're right." Dae-su starts to open the wrapper and we all formed a circle. "Only take a tiny bite." He hands it off to wujin "it needs to feed all of us okay?"

Wujin takes a bite and passes it to me, but I just hand it off to on-jo. Then it starts to make its way around the group

"Why didn't you take a bite? You need to eat" wujin asks concerned

"I.. im not hungry.." then i lean into him "for that.."

His voice drops as he whispers "is your head trying to make you bite me again? Because if you need to, you can y/n.."

I shake my head but before i can answer everyone yelling at dae-su fills the air.

"Ya! Joon-yeong didn't have any."

Dae-su slowly turns his head to look at the sad boy "i.. i thought i was the last. I'm really sorry. Joon-yeong you put on the best armor."

We all started getting armored up and ready for the fight, i just stood to the side waiting.

"Hey, you need armor too y/n" wujin stood in front of me

I looked up and smiled "jin, i think i'll be okay. They don't come after me, it's like im not even there"

"Ya, you still need protection. Just in case. I don't want anything happing to you." He kissed my cheek

"I'll be fine. I promise." I smiled

"Just, be careful.. don't get hurt, don't be a hero.. i can't lose you.. i wont" he sighed

Joon-yeong stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before turning around "this is it.. here we go."

"This will work?" Dae-su asked after fixing his arm pads

"It will work" joon-yeong shook his head looking around

Ha-ri walked up toward me and wujin "both of you stay next to me, okay?"

"You both stay next to me" wujin returned

Su-hyeok picked up a couple bats and handed them out, giving me one "i'm gonna take the lead, you take the back with nam-ra cause you both are strong." I nodded and walked over to nam-ra

Su-hyeok walked over and stood next to joon-yeong who looked at everyone "are you ready?"

"Ugh, shit. You better be right about this" mi-jin sighed

"We've seen so many zombies already." Joon-yeong stated before turning around toward the door "they're not smart enough for this."

Joon-yeong took the door handle in his hands and unlocked it then looked over to su-hyeok as the boys both nodded there heads signaling to open the doors.

The doors burst open and the two boy's yelled "push!"...

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