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Everyone had gathered and sat in a circle together except for me, nam-ra, wujin , and su-hyeok. We were still sat in front of the window staring out of it.

"If they're immune, does that mean they're okay? Even if they get bitten." Dae-su asks eyes on the two couples at the windows

"Probably" joon-yeong answers

"They still have zombie blood in their veins." Jimin says

"They arnt completely a zombie" gyeong-su shots at jimin

"A halfbie?" Dae-su looked up

"Whats a halfbie?"

"Short for half zombie? It's like half and half. Like half spicy, half fried...oh! I want chicken." Dae-su whines into his arms

"We haven't had water for 2 days" joon-yeong sighs

"Is it true well die if we don't have water for three days?" Dae-su asks

"I dont know. Dont talk to me, im too hungry."

"How can you think about food with zombies here?" Jimin speaks up

"Stop it. Y/n and nam-ra arnt zombies" on-jo protests

"Close enough"

"Leave them alone jimin. They're fine." Gyeong-su says to her

"Just because you have a thing for your friend doesn't mean that she's still not dangerous" jimin glared at gyeong-su

"Huh? You like Y/n? Sense when?" Cheong-san asked

Gyeong-su looked over to y/n and wujin and shrugged "guess it doesn't matter now does it? He's always around to protect her. Should be me" he then looks down at his hands sadly. Cheong-san pats his back feeling bad cause he didn't know his best friend was in love with y/n who obviously was going to chose wujin.

"Lets not do this to ourselves were all we've got now." On-jo tries to convince the girl

"Wait a sec, the pta asked the parents to send some stuff before the competition, and asked my mom to send some chicken." Cheong-san remembered

"We would have seen it if it were here. I dont see anything" dae-su looks around the room

"Hold on, shit maybe its in there." Dae-su walks over to the storage door and tries to open it but it's no use. Its locked

After a few minutes of dae-su throwing his body at the door to try and break it down with no luck. They had to stop because they were attracting zombies. Jimin grabbed the camera and started to record herself

"My mom and dad.. they came to the school to save me. The police.. and firefighters never came. If anybody is watching this after, punish them. All involved. They abandoned us. All of them. I'll make you pay. Hi, mom. Hi dad. I'll stay alive and get revenge. I'll kill all the zombies. And anyone else." Jimin wipes her tears and ends the recording putting the camera down

Hyo-ryung picked it up, and started recording her message "mom, and dad. Hello! I'm here with some of my classmates and they're really good to me. Uh.. mom, dad i miss you. I miss you both. And, um i'm so sorry." She stops it and hands it over to dae-su

"Music and lyrics by intergalactic superstar yang dae-su. Beat." Joon-yeong starts stomping his foot and dae-su begins singing. "Chicken taste better fried in olive oil. Pork taste better than soy meat. Strawberry cake taste better than plain strawberries. What makes me laugh, laugh, laugh is trans fat." Once he's done he hands the camera to cheong-san   

"Mom. Its me. Dad your okay too right? I'm good." He hands the camera to gyeong-su

Gyeong-su takes the camera and starts to whistle a tune him and cheong-san whistle to each other all the time. A tune called Auld Lane Syne. Then hands it over to on-jo

"Hi, dad. I miss you. You're not here, but i waited for you all night, and were holding on together. You always say being healthy is better than getting good grades. You said you'd be the first to come if anything ever happened. And you're okay, right? You have to be okay, dad. You don't have to come save me, but.. but still, i wish you'd come. I really thought you would be here by now. But, i'm okay. Usually, i save this for my allowance. But i'll say it for free here. Dad, i- i love you. " on turns it off and cries a little before getting up and giving the camera to wujin

Wujin pov:

"You guy's can leave a message as well if you want to. We trust you both. You guy's can untie it now." On-jo hands me the camera and walks away.

I look over to y/n who's still staring out the window and hold the camera up so its pointing at myself.. " i hope you both are okay. And ha-ri too. She had a competition so i hope shes safe. I'm doing alright." I smiled at the camera and pointed it at y/n's face.. "mom, this is the girl i told you about.. pretty huh? I know." He smiles and stops recording

I handed y/n the camera and turned away to give her some sort of privacy.

"Mom... you're okay.. right? I know we don't see each other much because of work but.." i can hear her sniffling and how her voice breaks and it hurts to see her this way. "I'm okay mom" she smiles "i have friends that are with me so i'm not alone. Also that boy i told you about... he's been by my side the whole time." She turns the camera to face me. I smile and blush "cute huh? I know" she winks at me. "Anyways mom.. if i don't make it though this... i just want you to know that i love you." She handed the camera to nam-ra

"Hey. You'll make it out of here. I'll do everything i can to keep you safe." I squeeze her hand to reassure her i mean everything i said then i smiled realizing what else she said and looked at her. Hoping she can't hear how fast my heart is beating right now.. "Soo uh.. Cute.. huh?" I said and winked at her

"Pretty.. huh?" She laughed

"This is it wujin. This is your chance to tell her how you feel. She talked about you to her mom.. thats got to mean she likes you back right?" I thought to myself. Trying to find the right words to confess i finally worked up the courage.

"Y/n.. there's something i want to tell you.." i paused looking into her eyes "i—" i take a breath "i like you y/n. Ever sense you first walked into miss, parks room on your first day of school. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about you sense watching that movie at your house.. and it's okay if you don't feel the same way.. or if you like someone else.. i just wanted to let you know.. before—"

"Jin.. i like you too.. i was gonna confess sooner but, it was never the right time.." she smiled and held out her hand like she was handing me something.. so i put my hand under hers.

Once she pulls her hand away I can see a red name tag laying in my hand with her name on it. I looked her in the eyes and smiled, and handed her my name tag too.. then I leaned in and softly pressed my lips against hers..

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