First day

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*beep beep* *beep beep* *beeeeeeep-*
Slowly opening my eyes and slamming my hand on the off button of my alarm clock, I roll out of bed and into my bathroom. "First day at my new school" I thought to myself with a sigh.. reaching my hand out and turning on the hot water of my shower I remind myself I don't need to be nervous.. "you're going to make a lot of new friends and you'll be happy here" I had to remind myself.  as I hurriedly shower and throw on my school uniform I run downstairs to greet my mom for breakfast. 

"Good morning Y/N, How did you sleep last night? my mom asked me with toast in her mouth

"I slept alright mom, you excided for your first shift at the hospital?" I questioned her.. we moved here because my mom got an amazing job offer to work in the hospital and it pays more here then where we lived before. 

"Oh so excided, i cant wait to help those who need it.. this job will be good for us, you better eat fast and head off to school. don't want to be late on your first day hun!" moms always had a thing with being on time.. even if that means being 30 minutes early sometimes. 

after breakfast I brushed my teeth and ran out the door. once i was about halfway to school i felt a pat on my shoulder, once i turned around to face whose hand it belonged too i was greeted with a bright big smile and big brown eyes. 

"Hello, I've never seen you around before are you new?" the boy questioned me

"Yeah me and my mom just moved here a couple weeks ago.. I'm Y/N" I said to him holding my hand out for him to shake.

"Ahh that's a pretty name.. Y/N.. My name is Gyeong-Su it's nice to meet you! do you wanna walk with me to school?" he asked taking my hand and shaking it.. 

I smiled and nodded my head "Yeah I'd be nice to have someone to walk with, thank you." 

we learned a lot about each other on our walk to school.. talking with him felt like we've been friends for forever. as we got to the front of the school Gyeong-Su was trying to teach me how to whistle a little tune (it was not going well I could not whistle to save my life) when he was stopped by the sound of someone whistling something you would to someone they thought was good looking.. looking around I seen a tallish guy with a black mullet, then i heard Gyeong-Su say

"Ignore him, thats gwinam he's a bully.. him and his friends beat up and pick on kids, they can also get away with it because our principle doesn't care. please stay away from them." he asked me

"Don't worry, he's not my type anyway" I reassure him with a smile and wink

as I look over to Gwinam he looks back at me licks his lips and winks at me.. I mentally gag at the sight. I had to stop by the front office to get my schedule so I was a little late for my first class, once i finally found the room i slowly slid open the door to be greeted by everyone looking at me. the teacher smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Ah welcome Y/N, class this is Y/n she is our new student, please be kind and help her out if she needs it. You can take a seat next to our class president Namra" Miss park smiles at me

I walk over to the girl who patted the desk next to her and semi smiled at me (i think it was a smile, it was so small I couldn't tell) as I sat down I could still feel a few lingering eyes on me one of them being my new friend Gyeong-Su so I smiled at him and waved. that little action took the eyes off me and were now on him, some people whispering to the person next to them but i couldn't make out what they were saying. 

"You know the new girl?"

"She's so hot"

"What's she like?"


gyeong-Su just smiled at the questions and shrugged them off. He's happy he got to meet you first, now his whole friend group is jealous of him because well look at you, your big beautiful e/c eyes, your soft h/l h/c, your big beautiful smile.. you were beautiful and one look at you is enough to make people fall in love. once class was over it was lunch time and knowing you were new and didn't have friends yet Gyeong-Su walked over to you and put his arm around your shoulders

"Y/n do you want to eat lunch with me? I can introduce you to some of my friends that way you wont be eating alone" he smiled

"of course, i'd love to. thank you" i smiled back at him. 

at the lunch room i was sitting next to Gyeong-Su and a guy named Dae-Su, everyone was in their own conversations eating and laughing when suddenly all attention went to me

"How's your first day so far Y/n?" Dae-Su asked me

"It's been good thanks to Gyeong-Su for making me not feel alone" I smiled and looked at the boy I was talking about

he blushed and nudged me with his shoulder "your welcome y/n that's what friends are for" 

Cheong-san elbowed his best friend and leaned over to whisper in his ear.. "you're blushingggg Gyeong-Su" cheong-san laughed at his friends face. 

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and once it was over I met up with my new friend who said he would walk me home. as I was walking over to Gyeong-Su i felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I was met with none other then Gwinam.. 

"helloooooooo new girl, what's your name cutie" he asked me

"uh, name is y/n" i nervously answered him

"What is a pretty girl like you doing walking alone? want me to walk with you?" he smiled and winked

"No thanks I'm meeting my friend so he can walk me home" I answered just wanting him to leave me alone but not wanting to piss him off and become a target for his bullying.. 

"tsk.. that's too bad, I could show you a good time on our way, but maybe next time." he said to me smacking my ass before he walked away. 

after my encounter with gwinam I franticly looked for Gyeong-Su, once i found him i ran to him and pulled on the sleeve of his hoodie.. "Ready to go?" i asked trying to sound like nothing was bothering me.

"Yeah.. are you okay? you seem like you're in a hurry" he asked me a little worried

so I told him about the bully and what he said to me.. he looked angry. "I should go say something to him. he cant touch you like that and get away with it. im sorry y/n i should have been with you" he frowned. 

"it's okay Su, you're here now lets just walk home okay?" 

the boys eyes widened at the nickname but recovered and smiled widely.. he liked that you had a nickname for him already, it made his heart flutter and face heat up. you linked your arm with his and started to walk home. once you got to your front door you both said your goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers so you could meet up in the morning to walk to school together. once inside your house you went into the kitchen. a sticky note on the fridge caught your attention. "Working late, dinner in the oven. make sure you eat, tell me all about your first day tomorrow over breakfest. love mom" you smiled at the note and grabbed your dinner sitting down into the living room to watch a movie. yawning you looked at the time and decided it was time to go to sleep. changing into your pj's your phone goes off *ding* opening your phone you see a text from Su! 

"Hope you have a good night and sleep well y/n. see you in the morning for school" 

as you read it your heart skipped a beat, he was really sweet. you've never gotten a good night text before and as a plus Su was really cute. putting your phone on the charger you laid in bed and got comfortable. thinking of the text you smiled as you fell asleep thinking that tomorrow cant come fast enough..  

A/N sorry if the first chapter kind sucks.. I didn't wanna just rush right into the outbreak. I want each character to have a chance to talk to the girl.. more will get the chance in the next chapter.. many people will be a love interest at first but wujin is endgame..(: thank you for reading!! I'll update again soon! leave any feedback and suggestions just please don't be rude. this is my first story. <3 

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