Leaving the school!

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Cheong-san carefully and quietly opens the door and signals to us that we can follow. We all slowly make our way down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. We make it down a few flights until cheong-san stops and signals to wait and be quiet. I hear a few zombies snarling, until thunder goes off and they run away. Cheong-san looks back and says were all clear to keep going. We slowly start to make our way down the stairs again until wujin slips on a step but I hold him up so he doesn't fall

"Shit, are you okay?" I ask as i suppress my giggles

"Yeah, thanks for hold me up" he looks down embarrassed

We gain our composure and cheong-san says were still in the clear so we all run across the hall and out the doors. Once were outside we see a zombie blocking our path so we duck down behind a small wall with plants inside it.

"I'll lure that zombie and go over that way. Then you run" cheong-san tells on-jo

The girl shakes her head at his stupid plan "no way"

"I can do it.. they don't want me anyways" i whisper to them

"No.. don't even think about leaving me" wujin protests

On-jo looks at cheong-san then at me then behind us and points to the wall "we'll go right along that wall and cross over there."

"Sounds like a plan" i whisper and tell the others behind us

We make it across the wall with no problems and crouch in front of a truck.

"I'll go first" dae-su says and starts crawling underneath the truck

"Lets go" joon-yeong says to wujin as they follow behind dae-su

Cheong-san looks up over the truck and freezes. Then stands up completely, and whispers something under his breath

"Ya! What is he doing?" I nudge on-jo who looks over at the boy wide-eyed

Dae-su makes it to the other side and starts fighting the zombie "there's another zombie here!"

"Stop it" cheong-san lets out weakly

Wujin and joon-yeong started to help dae-su beat up the zombie

"I said stop it!" Cheong-san yells at the three boys

Cheong-san then climbs over the back of the truck and pushes the boys away from the zombie and starts punching dae-su. I jump over the truck and grab cheong-san and pull him off dae-su , su-hyeok confused by the boys actions comes over and helps me hold cheong-san.

"Mom!" Cheong-san yells

The boys freeze and stop beating the zombie.. unsure of what to do now.. feeling guilty for beating up cheong-sans mom.

"Oh god.. cheong-san... i'm so sorry" i say to the poor boy who falls to his knees crying

"Guys.. we have to go.. they're coming!" Nam-ra grabs some of the kids and pushes them forward

Everyone starts running as the zombies come near. Wujin runs up to me and interlocks our hands together. I look sadly at cheong-san, on-jo, and gyeong-su who were also close with the boys mom.

"Guys, we gotta go now." I said looking at each of their faces

"Lets go cheong-san" on-jo pleaded

"We can't stay here longer" gyeong-su patted cheong-sans back

"Pull yourself together, man!" Su-hyeok said

They finally pulled cheong-san away from his mom, and started running after the others. Me and wujin gave one last sad look and ran after them.

Hyo-ryung fell and me and wujin ran back to help her up..

"She left me..." hyo-ryung sadly looked at us

"Who-" an arrow shooting a zombie in the head caught our attention and cut off my sentence

"Sister.." wujin said in disbelief

"Wujin" his sister said

"What are you doing here?" He questioned her

"Come on, we have to go" she said

Wujin grabs my hand again and we take off to catch up to the others. We all finally make it to the gym but something feels off. Were not alone in here.. nam-ra must feel it too because she started to speak

"Run" she whispered

"Were not alone in here" i added

"What do you mean?" A few asks

Then as if on cue the lightning strikes and light fills the whole gym illuminating all the undead students who were still in here. Too many for us to fight on our own with our makeshift weapons. Everyone looks around for a safe place to hide. We find the supply closet and start running. I slip out of wujins grip and help the girl that was with his sister pulling a kid on a makeshift gurney.

"Ya! Y/n.. come on!" Wujin shouts

I just ignore him and help the girl "come on, we got this. Keep pulling" i shout to her

"Thanks for coming to help" she breaths out

"Go! Just save yourselves!" The kid yells

"Y/n please! Come here.." wujin yells out

"I'm not leaving anyone behind" i yell back

"Are you both crazy? Let go!" The boy yells but when we don't he gets himself free and falls on the floor, zombies rush to him and he grabs onto them. Giving himself up to them so we can leave and be safe.

The girl yells for the boy but wujins sister grabs her before she can run after the boy. I stand there and stare in shock.. we could have saved him.. wujin yelling my name and grabbing my arm pulled me out of my shock. Suddenly we were inside the closet and su-hyeok slammed the door closed.

"Y/n.. what were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt.. i don't want to lose you" wujin said grabbing my face with his hands

"We.. i.. i could have saved him.." i said tears filling my eyes "he didn't have to die.."

Wujin pulled me into a tight hug "he made his decision. There was nothing you could have done" he said rubbing my back

Wujins sister was holding the crying girl in her arms eyeing her brother and raising her eyebrows at him. He just smiled and mouthed a quick "tell you later"

Everyone picked a spot in the room and sat down. Knowing there was no way out of our situation right now. Wujin sat down and pulled me down next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked around at everyone's faces..

And when I looked into their faces it's like something that was in there got up and gathered its things and walked away...

A/n: sadly there is only a few more chapters left 🥺 i've had fun making this book and honestly didn't think anyone would read it. I just kinda make it for fun and because i felt like i read all the fanfics on aouad lol😂 so i just want to thank everyone for reading and voting for this book. You guys rock! ❤️ alsooooo... If I was to make another book after this one is finished who would you guys want the love interest to be? ❤️

Lets go home - allofusaredead Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora