Back together

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The ringing in my ears felt like it took forever before it finally stopped. The explosion was big, dirt, rocks, wood, trees, pieces of the construction site flew everywhere. I was mostly safe behind the tree but a piece of sharp metal found its way into my leg and I couldn't pull it out myself, I need to find the others hopefully they're okay. Hopefully cheong-san made it away in time. After what felt like ever walking in the forest I see figures ahead of me, some are laying down sleeping? Dead? But then i see one move.. no its the group!



I looked around franticly, surely none of the zombies survived that so it can't be them right? What if its cheong-san or Y/n.. i stood up and took a few steps away from the sleeping group.. thats when I seen her.. standing there a few feet away. She made it out, shes okay, she's safe..

"Y/N!!" I shouted and ran to her, arms wide open and pulled her into the tightest hug ever. Im never letting her out of my sight again.

"Hey jin.. missed me?" She smiled and i could feel her chuckle a bit.

"Ya, of course. Don't scare me like that, i thought that maybe you didn't make it out before everything blew." I hugged tighter

"Ah, of course I did, you can't get rid of me that easily.. i'll always make it back to you." She kissed my cheek "i missed you"

"I missed you too y/n" more then you'll ever know. As we pulled out of the hug i put my hand on her cheek and looked into her beautiful eyes, before leaning in and kissing her, i felt her wrap her arms around my neck and deepen the kiss. The amount of butterflies i had in this moment was crazy. I would do anything and everything for this girl.

When we pulled apart she looked around at everyone who was just now waking up. "Cheong-san isn't with you guys?" She asked

"No, he's not with you?" I questioned.

"No, we were fighting gwi-nam, and he told me to go, said he would meet back up before the explosion but I havent seen him.." she said sadly

"Cheong-san didn't make it?" On-jo said walking up to us

"I'm sure he did.. he had to of, he promised.." Y/N said sadly

On-jo stood there waiting to see if cheong-san would turn up, but as the minutes passed none of us were sure we'd see him again..

"Let's go" bare-su said looking over at on-jo placing a hand on her shoulder. "On-jo lets go."

"I can't go on like this" on-jo said with a tear falling down her cheek. She turned around to face everyone "i'm sorry. Can you wait for just a sec? Actually, never mind. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you." And with that she walked back toward the construction site.

"I'll go with her, make sure she's okay.. nam-ra could you pull this out of my leg?" I gestured toward the metal sticking out of it

"Of course" she smiled and with a fast painful tug it was out.

I bend down and wrapped a piece of fabric around y/n's leg "please stay here.. i don't want to split up again.." i sighed

"It'll be okay jin.. me and on-jo will be back.. i need to go with her, I was supposed to bring him back with me for her.. i let her down" she frowns

I cupped her face with my hands "hey, it's not your fault. Its those people who left us, who bombed us, and gwi-nam for never dying.. its not on you.. okay" i looked into her eyes.

She smiled sadly and kissed me before turning around and following on-jo

"She'll be okay wujin, shes strong, always has been always will be.." gyeong-su said patting my back

"I'll go too. Wu-jin keep an eye on everyone, well be back" bare-su said taking off after the girls.

It was a quiet walk back to the construction site, on-jo was ahead the whole time determined to reunite with the boy she loves. Walking up the set of steps I could feel it in my stomach.. hes not here.. i don't feel him or smell him.. i'm not entirely sure if that means he's dead but looking around.... It sure seems like it.

"Hey cheong-san. Cheong-san! Cheong-san you're such a jerk!" On-jo yelled as the tears streamed down her face.

I walked up slowly next to her "let's go.. I don't smell anything. There's no one here. Let's say bye to cheong-san. And go." I said with tears in my eyes on-jo started to cry harder so i hugged her "i'm so sorry, i should have stayed and made sure he would come back.."

"It's not your fault.. if you stayed then both of you would be gone right now. Please don't blame yourself." She said hugging me back.

We made our way back to the group and started walking around the forest, bare-su was helping dae-su cause his leg was also hurt, wujin wouldn't leave my side.

"The soldiers saw that we were at the school. They left us there without helping us, and then they bombed it. Maybe they actually want us to die." Nam-ra said

"I don't believe that." On-jo said with a monotone voice

"I think it's because of us." Nam-ra said and looked at me "because we were with zombies, they must think we're all neither a zombie or human, like us. Maybe thats what they thought." Nam-ra said guilt ridden in her voice, it made me guilty

"Maybe you're right nam-ra.." i started

"Don't talk like that" on-jo looked at both of us

"Is it really okay for us to stay with you guys like this?" Nam-ra questioned on-jo but it was meant for everyone

"You're both still our friends.. and your still our class president. We couldn't have made it this far without you guys.." on-jo looked between me and nam-ra

"Still.." i started to say

"You guys haven't turned yet, and you never will." On-jo reassured

"I really wanna do that again in the future. That was my first time sitting around a fire with friends. We'll be able to do that again, right?" Nam-ra asked

"Let's do it again tonight" on-jo smiled

"Yeah, whenever we want we can always sit by the fire" i smiled at nam-ra who smiled back

"What the hell?" Mi-jin sighed

"Whats wrong?" I asked out

"Shit, i think were lost..."

i am soooo sorry! I forgot all about this book! But i am going to finish! Thank you everyone who continued to show it love! And for everyone who asked for me to continue it. I honestly did not think anyone would care if it continued or not. I just kinda wrote it out of boredom one day.. i cant believe i forgot about it! Im sorry.! But i am back! And will update even though its almost finished. I'm still deciding if i want to make a second book or not, let me know if thats something anyone would want💕

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