Tennis courts

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"Dad... you.."

On-jo ran out of the building and wrapped her arms around her dad.

"Hey! The doors open! Lets go!" I yelled out and ran up to wujin and pulled him out of the building

He grabbed my arms once outside and checked me over "are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He looked at me worriedly

I shook my head "no i'm okay.. are you okay?"

He smiled down at me and kissed my lips "i am now knowing you're safe."

"Ya! Don't do something dumb like that again or i swear.." gyeong-su came up and smacked me upside the head

I laughed "guy's you don't have to worry about me.. what did dae-su call us? Ah. I'm a half-bie remember!" I winked at them

"Thats right! I'm glad you like the nickname y/n" dae-su said with a big smile on his face.

"Are you all okay?" On-jo's dad asked the group

"What took you so long? I kept waiting for you.." on-jo asked her dad

"Are you all able to run?" Everyone replied with nods and a simple yeah. "Okay, if you go straight through the tennis courts and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain. If you cross the mountain.. and get to yangdong.."

"Mister nam..!" Cheong-san cut him off as a zombie approached us 

"I got it, everyone get moving!" I said headed toward the zombie

Gyeong-su  sighed "what did I just say.."

"I got it su!" I laughed as i reached the zombie and grabbed it by the leg and flung it on the ground twisting it's leg so its broken.. "Guy's go!"

"Ahh shit!"

Everyone took off runing toward the tennis courts, i caught up with wujin and grabbed his hand.

"See told you I'll be fine" i smiled at him

He shook his head "yeah yeah, lets get to safety little warrior" he winked at me

Once at the tennis courts we flung the door open and piled in. Ha-ri stood outside shooting arrows at the zombies that came too close until she was tackled to the ground. Me and on-jo's dad rushed to get the zombie off of her. I picked her up and dragged her inside the court while mr nam shut the door

"Thank you y/n" ha-ri smiled

I nodded "anytime" and smiled at her

We all started running to the other end but it was no use as zombies started to surround us.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere" dae-su whined

The pile of zombies broke open the door and they started flooding in after us. I ran up and started fighting off as many as i could with cheong-san and su-hyeok. On-jo's dad laid his backpack down and took out a flair waving it around to get the zombies attention and then threw it as far as he could away from us. All the zombies chased after it, clearing our way to the exist.

Once the flair went out the zombies turned around, most of us were out of the tennis courts waiting for on-jo, su-hyeok, cheong-san and mr nam. Suddenly mr nam took a whistle and starting blowing it to get the zombies to follow him. He light another flair and threw it. "Run! Get out! Get out now!" He yelled at his daughter running to her and pushing her out of the courts and locking the door with him still inside of it.

"Why are you..?" On-jo started then looked down at her dads hand.. thats when she seen the bite mark.. "dad.."

"On-jo look at me.. go. Run!... go! On-jo go!" He yelled as zombies came up behind him and starting biting him. "Cheong-san take on-jo and go!"

Cheong-san took ahold of on-jo and started to run off, leaving the rest of us to follow..

We all ran into the construction site and down the hallway before I heard it. Nam-ra must have too because she yelled for everyone to stop..

"Stop!" Nam-ra whispered yelled

Everyone haulted "why, why, why?"

Nam-ra was listing closely and i came up and stood beside her also listing. "Oh no.." i whispered

Then zombies came running out in front of us. "Go upstairs!" I yelled

"Go! Now!" Nam-ra yelled back

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